Friday, May 28, 2021

Sithanen : After his “helico money’, now ‘a greater marge de manoeuvre” for Budget 2021-22 !!

(Published in L'express, another version title " No room for Manoeuvre", May 2021)
Sithanen is asserting that Payadachy has enough of ‘marge de manoeuvre" for the forthcoming budget because the lower spending in the last budget has enabled a savings of some Rs 20 billion. Is that so ?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

To our political representatives !

In their latest press conference, the representatives of the labour party were briefing us about their presence in the march /demonstration for the Palestinian cause and their concern for the people of Palestine , the killing of women and children , the injustice, of the ideological Jewish settlers evicting their Palestinian neighbours from their homes…

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Continuing the debate...... Comments on Raj Ramlugun post : “THE PALESTINIAN KOZ - ANT FANATISM, HIPOKRIZI and LINDIFERANS!”

Raj : Arett fer ipokritt e populism avek soufrans lezott! Komie konn listwar problem Palestine vreman? Pu buku sa pena naryin ek nosion linzistis ek dominer enn pep. Fact check kredibilite sa bann ki souvan divan divan la dan Moris. Ki kantite zott konstan dan laguer kontt linzistis ek dominer dan zott lavi ou karyer? Check track record tou sa bann dimounn ki servi ou siportt koz Palestine kumsa kumsa , sirtou sa bann gran misie politisiyin la.

Friday, May 21, 2021

The BAI Saga: The two sides of the story

Whenever you read or listen to the narrative on the BAI saga by some hardcore labourites , they seem to get stuck to one side of the story-the verso side and, «kouma dire fin met œillères » , they refuse to flip over to the recto side .

Some confusion on BOM’s unconventional measures and the IMF reprimand

If you go through the recent interview of some of the analysts arguing about the unconventional BOM measures and the consequent IMF reprimand, you will notice that there is a lot of confusion.

Monday, May 17, 2021

La verité historique de Tsang Man Kin

Tsang Man Kin concludes his “ verité historique “ as follows : Qu’on ne vienne pas raconter des histoires sur le rôle d’Anerood Jugnauth sur l’industrialisation et encore moins sur le développement et la réussite de Maurice ! Ce sont deux hommes : Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam et le Général de Gaulle qui ont mis Maurice sur le chemin du développement de la prospérité qui a suivi. Que les jeunes générations ne l’oublient pas !

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Georges Chung sent to the front for damage control

From the interview of G.Chung in Le Defi, it appears that our special adviser to the PMO- our metro man, who had been selling us the dream of the new transport infrastructure transforming Mauritius into “modern, liveable ,vibrant and environmentally-friendly Smart Mauritius”- has been sent to the front lines to limit the damage caused by the recent IMF article IV press release and the accompanying hard-hitting comments from various quarters.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Concrete and coherent alternatives that are both desirable and workable

Many of us have often proposed alternative strategies -see my “The chance of a real rethinking of our economy” published in l'express of the 13 Oct 2020. And recently P.Kugan of the ReA , V. Ancharaz of the MMM and the party Lalit have made enough of contributions for an alternative economic model for our economy to meet its future challenges- for e.g agro-processing, the ocean economy, renewable energy, the digital economy, land democratization, import substitution, food security, the fishing industry ,….while integrating environmental constraints etc. Many,however, are not convinced and there are still doubters. They are thus not convinced that these alternatives/proposals are better than what we have at present.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

A severe but well-deserved rap on the knuckles from the IMF.

No more of dubious arithmetic or colourable accounting, by MOFED and the BOM, to hide their irresponsible policies !!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Can we win the war against drug trafficking ?

Nearly 300 kilos of drugs, estimated at Rs 3.7 billion, seized at of Pointe-aux-Canonniers. What is the real issue ?