Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Why I'll be present at the "MANIFESTATION PASIFIK" on Saturday

Because ,
• this country needs a new development model not authoritarian populism,
• our institutions have gone to the dogs, they are stuffed with incompetent loyalists,

• of Scandals Lor Scandals- St Louis Gate, Hyperfarm, Air Mauritius, DBM, Landscope,the likes of Bissoon,Zouber, Rawoo, who....
• ban l’enquête en cours ki pé fini tout court,
• of their autocratic and populist policies,
• of the vulgar band of neophytes who has taken over our National Assembly,
• the prestige projects and the “bétonage” of the country which continue,
• a new generation of cronies who are looting and mismanaging nearly everything the state controls,
• they continue to play mayhem with taxpayers's money bailing out the private sector while doling out a mere pittance to the needy, the informal sector and unemployed workers,
• of their incompetence; Le pays paie le prix fort of being blacklisted by EU- We are paying the price today for the appointment of politically-connected and incompetent stooges at the Bank of Mauritius, the FSC, the FIU and the Asset Recovery Unit, ICAC, the Gambling Authority and the Police,
• they are forcing the workers to fall in line with the corporates, (Business Mauritius dictates the terms), raiding the state coffers , turning the BOM into a rubber stamp, printing the amount of money they want and plundering at their will before turning the economy into a Sub-Saharan basket-case,
• are raiding the central bank and our foreign exchange reserves; the excessive Central Bank’s deficit financing will destabilize the economy, fuel inflation and accelerate the deprecation of the rupee,
•the colourable accounting to hide the high unsustainable levels of the budget deficit and public debt ,
• of a Budget 2020-21 that lacks coherence and vision to see us through these trying times,
• la gestion economique de Jugnauth/Payadachy: Even before the crisis emerged, the economy was struggling; the main macroeconomic parameters were in the red -the growth rate had plummeted to a mere 3.1% , the fiscal deficit was already at -7% of the GDP and a public debt higher than 70% of GDP , a widening external imbalance reaching 11% of GDP if we exclude GBCs, whereas sector-wise, besides youth unemployment and declining productivity , manufacturing was in a mess, the services sector was not growing fast enough, and agriculture continued to be at the mercy of external elements and internal inherent problems.,
• the irresponsibility and mismanagement of the economy will cost us dearly; we may have to pay the high price of social unrest as a result of falling real wages, falling purchasing power and increasing levels of poverty,
• ban Soldats Lalit Militant, Zot latett fin all baissé akoz ban vanders ki fin kraz lakaz ban squatters de Pointe-aux-Sables. 
Pendan ki ban maja karo et rodeurs bouttes pé ....... Lepep pé observé et mobilisé.....
We rue the day when we gave them carte blanche to gamble with our future!!!