Saturday, July 11, 2020

The ReA ,the Unions,NGOs and Citizens (Kolektif Konversasyon Solider) made history today .

Without any funding, without any sponsoring , the common man, the young, the old, the intellectual, the militant, the worker, the civil servant, the NGOs, the "marginal" …u name it, they were all there, rallying to the call of” Lavi, Solidarité, Liberté” . No briyani, no free buses......they came on their own; it was spontaneous . It was a communion, something new and qualitatively different ,rarely seen in the meetings of the traditional bourgeois parties. 

They wanted to be there, driven by their anger, their frustrations, their worries to express their deep-felt feelings of the injustices, inequities and discriminations in the system and on their sense of self-worth and identity which are continuously being slighted and trampled. They also voiced their concerns on the regime’s subversion of democracy, of the nepotism and corruption , on the allocation of lucrative contracts to cronies, on the gagging of the dissenters, on the pact of the regime with the corporates at the workers' expense and on the repressive edifice that is being built to force the workers to fall in line. Enough is Enough.
They are taking ownership of the Mauritius they are hoping for, instead of letting our traditional leaders feeding it to them; they are sending a strong message to the traditional patronage-driven parties that work only to enrich a connected elite that they are already preparing our democracy for a genuine alternative. 
"Restez mobilisé, the time is ripe now to flex our muscles and grow into a wider movement for a new combative approach for change." voiced an activist of the ReA