Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Unbelievably and Shockingly so partisan -Nou Ek Zot !!!

Whether it is Covid-19, Greylisting or Blacklisting, Work Access Permit, distribution of food packs, AMB sales of potatoes &onions, Air Mts, SBM ...why is this government so blatantly partisan as if "sa pays là pu zot" !!! 

When you read or listen to the PM's replies to the PNQ on Covid-19, you are dismayed how everything in this country has to be so shockingly partisan. As if they could not miss any opportunity, especially this golden one, to arrogantly brag about such and such measures taken ; the Indian Ocean countries have been tackling the pandemic correctly , some better than others, Madagascar for example is doing better than us and Comoros is having its first death this week and we are faring well because of the efforts of one and all, from the garbage collector , the frontline heroes to the government ministers, we are on the right track. Why the NOU sa !!!
Similarly even on a simple issue like Work Access Permit,(WAP) “bizin get figir” to distribute !!! When we ask for the list of people who have obtained the WAP so far, all kinds of excuses are made not to make it public. Why this shocking partisanship every time – NOU ek ZOT !!!
Now EU has added Mauritius to its blacklist of countries which have strategic deficiencies in their AML/CFT regime, you recall that the Minister of Financial Services was so partisan and uncomprising in his interpretation of the FATF grey listing and even ridiculed our warning and advice for a frank and open discussion of our money laundering weaknesses and the rallying of a national endeavour to keep our country safe from dirty money, while invigorating the relevant institutions with adequate skills and resources to reinforce their credibility and effectiveness.
We will have ample time later to analyze what were the correct and the wrong decisions taken. But for the moment , more important is the leadership , the unity and solidarity that the country needs for the difficult days ahead . We are not yet out of the woods. But we will have to put all our heads together. 
Govt must now pay attention to what the population, the media, the economists, the experts, the common man expecting from them . They want govt to put aside their partisanship , their petty clivages for “la création d’un comité national et la constitution d’un gouvernement d’unité nationale pour trouver les solutions à l’après-confinement.
Il est évident que cette crise d’envergure jamais vécue doit dépasser les clivages politiques pour sortir de cette situation. C’est l’occasion de rassembler les forces vives du pays dans un élan engagé de solidarité