Some of the very ones that were voted out in 2014 are back -here we go again with the same people, back to business as usual with the same cronies, same old guards -Sithanen, Gordon Gentil, Seebaluck, Sen Narainen, Sarat Lallah, Monvoisin, Sooroojebally, Fong-Weng Porun, Sandrine Valère ,Gokhool, Hungley, Kailash Ruhee, Ramnawaz,Bhuckory ….
Situation économique oblige , cannot wait for the Appointment Committee(sic) to place the same old guards, same old cronies, same old rôdeur-boutes at the head of our hollowed institutions-a legacy of our dear Pravind….
Our young Turks are waiting ! Indeed "new and innovative ideas are more likely to be found among our young Turks " (see comments)
Why not Dr Vinaye Aucharaz at the Competition Commission, Dr Takesh Luckho or Bhavish Jugurnath at the Ministry of Planning, Amit Bakhirta at the FSC, a new experienced guy as Financial Secretary …