Wednesday, March 27, 2024

At the Open Constitutional Conference, all the political parties should pledge that “ Our whole real estate policy should be scrapped”.

The recent sale of a luxury villa for over Rs 626 million by Pam Golding Properties (Mauritius) in Poste-de-Flacq made the headlines in our real estate sector. The sale was described as a first, given the amount paid by the European buyer. Last year, Mauritius Sotheby's International Realty sold a property for over Rs 500 million. Specialists in real estate in Mauritius are of the opinion that the country has become the best destination for foreigners compared to other competing destinations.
Pam Golding Properties (Mauritius), believes that Mauritius has established itself as the destination of choice for affluent individuals. The island is poised to attract more high-net-worth, high-income individuals, provided it offers properties suited to the demanding clientele.
In todays L’express we can read that “Dans des endroits prisés tels que Grand-Baie, Flic-en-Flac, Tamarin, Rivière-Noire, Mont-Choisy, Péreybère et Moka, où les terrains sont limités, les prix ont tendance à augmenter à mesure que les parcelles se font plus rares. «Ces zones prisées ont vu l'émergence de centres d'affaires dynamiques, attirant professionels et entrepreneurs. La presence d'écoles internationales de renom les rend également attrayantes pour les familles. Les améliorations du réseau routier ont facilité les déplacements, renforcées par un accès visé à l'aéroport. La demande croissante pour des équipements de style de vie moderne, tels que centres commerciaux et installations récréatives, souligne leur attractivité. Ces zones incarnent le développement urbain et l'amélioration de la qualité de vie à Maurice.»
For the majority of Mauritians , who do not live in these prime locations/gated communities or live at the edge/vicinity of these areas, they have not experienced any improvement in their quality of life .
There is a dis­con­nect between the uncon­vin­cing optim­ism peddled by the bourgeois and state media and the real eco­nomic pain afflict­ing the common Mauritian. Now that we are in election mode , such non-stop flow of populist fare will be served in generous doses to lull the short-sighted and the gullible .
«Au fil des années, un travail remarquable a été accompli pour développer les offres permettant aux étrangers d'acheter des propriétés à Maurice, ainsi que pour la diaspora de retour. Il est essentiel de poursuivre dans cette voie et d'examiner ce qui se fait dans d'autres régions du monde et ce qui les rend prospères, Assurons-nous de les suivre de près Nous pouvons aussi définir des tendances que d'autres suivrons.” This what our policy makers are proposing , especially the EDB .
Rezistans ek Alternativ (ReA) had retorted “ REA inn touletan denons sa politik konversion masif later agrikol pou vann ek ris etranze sou bann diferan rezim - IRS, PDS, RES, Smart Cities... Zordi gouvernman MSM inn al ankor pli lwin kan li permet ki bann detanter Resident Permit kapav aste bien fonsie ek imobilie ninport kot sa dan Moris. Kan nou mazine ki enn vila dan Moris pe vann 627.6 milion roupi nou pou bizin reflesi li so konsekans lor pri imobilie ek later dan sa rezion Moris la ek dan nou pei an antie. Zordi dilapidasion nou later ek lakot inn vinn fon de komers klas kapitalis avek konplisite rezim MSM ki pe fasilit sa kalite politik la. Sa politik la antrenn enn nouvo kolinizasion avek enn lefe lor kou lavi ek akse a later ek lakot. Betonaz masif de bann later agrikol, zone imid (wetland) ek lakot pe poz osi gro problem dan kriz klimatik ki nou ete sirtou kan ena lapli.”
We have been building our future on quicksand and sowing the seeds for future recriminations by our progenies for putting in place policies that are promoting economic apartheid – a pervasive threat to our social and national cohesion-that's the end result of gentrification.
At the forthcoming “Open Constitutional Conference” organised by ReA, all political parties should take a pledge that they will include a clause in our Constitution to ensure that the present real estate policies will be scrapped .All this country’s land is the property of Mauritians . We have to decide together what is best for us and for our future generations.
All the political parties present at the Open Constitutional Conference should commit themselves on the discontinuation of our real estate policies and it should be included in their political manifestos- not the vain promises/conclusions of an “étude approfondie”. !