Saturday, December 24, 2022

Our 2022 growth surge of 7.8% explained !

The healthy growth numbers are slightly deceptive given the low base effect .
To put things in perspective:
The level of GDP in real terms in 2022 is still 5 % lower than the level attained in 2019. With a growth of 5% in 2023, GDP would increase from Rs 486 billion to Rs510 billion, or 99.7% of 2019 GDP.

Friday, December 23, 2022

When humility makes us real !

Some 14 hrs back, one of the breaking news in Financial Times was “We have no beds, we have no oxygen: Covid overwhelms Beijing’s hospitals." China’s coronavirus exit wave overwhelms one of the country’s best healthcare systems.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Rapid Inflation : Supply constraints or Policy ?
Some days back, in one local newspaper , the issue was raised that "interest rate increase to control inflation is not very effective as inflation is being caused by supply chain disruptions as opposed to too much money chasing too few goods "

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Sak Zaco protège so montagne !

Le communal Harish Boodhoo(HB) ti éna raizon !
Get enn kou autour de nou !
Enn ti sport kuma football , mo pé bien dir sport, pé montré ki le communal HB avait raison !

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Tollé sur la hausse du Key Repo Rate !

There is now an outcry from all quarters !
May be , a bit too late !
We are sorry that we have to say it , for some of our journalists , bloggers, analysts, economists, trade unionists and the then supporters of the unconventional financing measures taken by Govt and BoM during Covid and post-Covid , when we we needed your support , they were found lacking !

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The show is on : Pension Populism and pleasing packages for our Senior Citizens

Reacting to the PM’s useless comments on pension, another ex-PM rushed in to clamour for his right to be included among the pension populists - he doubled the universal old-age pension in 1996. But he was not just satisfied with being acknowledged among the pension populist stalwarts, he tried to rope in, on his side, another ex-PM- PRB- in his criticism of the failed introduction of targeting for the BRP in 2004.

Friday, December 9, 2022

On the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day,

On the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day, I wish to highlight, for our readers, some of our corruption cases that have made the headlines.
“Ce pays cultive la canne à sucre et les préjugés” …et la corruption !
Do not lose hope ! Investigations are still ongoing…

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Ban Citoyens Morisyen,
ran moi enn servis, bez sa "kouroukoukou" enn coup dizef gaté !
Pou ki li arrêt so ban conneries !

The mythical phoenix keeps rising back, did Pada mean our inflation rate ?

Is the BoM failing to rein in inflation and protect living standards especially for the most vulnerable?
BoM kaput, its capital impaired ?
Repo rate rise fizette !

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Boule finn viré !

Nishal finn fer enn déklik!
LePep pé crache lor zot !
Le commencement de la fin pou mafia ki au pouvoir !
Enn lePep finn enkoler, li dir ki nou ena enn cochon comme PM…
Kozé Chacho !
Fer la bouche dou avek augmentation pensions népli pou marché !
Ban tons pé dévir bol dal gardé !

Qu'il aille faire une grève de faim contre La Guerre en Ukraine, la véritable cause de cette hausse en prix du pétrole.”

Wrong, totally wrong; these are the arguments of some of our fake economists - that our failure to have a grip on inflation is because of the global hike in petroleum prices, freight rates, certain essential commodities, etc. !

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Pinokio Assasin ! Anou sauv Nishal !

19 zour lagrev lafin pou bess pri lesans.
Lemosion ek respe imans, imans"
Nou bizin mobilisé !
Azordi soir , nous tous nou bizin alle Port Louis alle zoin Nishal Joyram !
Nou allume et lev nou mobile phone pou montré nou solidarité avek Nishal !
Zis nou solidarité kapav fer Nishal arrêt so la grèv de faim!
Anou sauv Nishal !