Saturday, August 20, 2022

Are we reading the same report ?

From today’s l’express “Le Premier ministre, lui, a une fois de plus, énuméré ses réalisations pour le bien-être du pays et le rapport Moody's qui «nous a félicités». Il a aussi parlé de sa politique qu'il mène de manière scientifique et de la masse silencieuse qui ne se déplace pas aux congrès mais qui apprécie son travail.”
My copy of Moody’s seems to be quite different; he must be quoting from a different Moody's report ; I have made a request to l’express if we can can get a copy of the Moody Report-version PJ!
It’s time that we distribute to "la masse silencieuse" the correct version of the report ; they will come to know that our PM is failing to “veyé ki pei pa tombe dan trou”.
Nou dejá dan trou, as pointed by Vinaye Ancharaz on " la gestion de l’économie à la PJ".
“The Indian loan will add another Rs13.5 billion to the national debt, which is dangerously approaching the half-trillion-rupee mark……. We should be careful of the debt trap, especially when we borrow in foreign currency. Already, every citizen has a debt overhang of some Rs400,000! We don’t want to end up like Sri Lanka, do we?”
Moreover, the US dollar is strengthening around 11% since the start of the year and – for the first time in two decades – reaching parity with the Euro. The Indian loan may turn out to be quite expensive for us !