Thursday, February 24, 2022

We are neither pro US nor EU and not at all for the corrupt and megalomaniac Putin

( On Feb 9, 2022, Putin's super yacht abruptly left Germany for safer quarters amid sanction warnings over Russia-Ukraine tensions)
They are playing their bloody political and economic games and we are paying the consequences.
Added: In the new global context that saw the emergence of the nation-state in place of the multi-national dynastic empires or spheres of influence, US, EU and Russia are still clinging to or have problems in adjusting their imperialist ambitions…
It is not as simple as it is being presented by Chandan Jankee, our High Commissioiner in Russia.
Que pensent les Russes de cette menace de guerre et de cette hostilité -Chandan Jankee affirme que d'après les conversations qu'il a eues avec des citoyens et officiels russes, ce n'est, pour eux, qu'une agitation dc plus des Américains qui ne veulent pas que la Russie vende davantage de gaz aux Européens et devienne encore plus puissante….Les Américains voient aussi d'un mauvais oeil la montée de la Chine at de la Russie qui, en plus, sont alliés.
Partly true ; perhaps these Interesting readings may help to get to the bottom of some of the complexities of this Russian aggression.
• Russia's Lethal Identity Crisis by Carl Bildt - Project Syndicate
• The Other Russia ,Discontent Grows in the Hinterlands By Mikhail Dmitriev and Daniel Treisman, Foreign Affairs
• Bill Browder, one time largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia , the man behind the Magnitsky Act . Listen what he has to say on Putin-Bill Browder: Putin’s Foreign Enemy
• 5 Russian words that explain Vladimir Putin by Vijai Maheshwari -Politico Europe
• Ukraine : Les médias vous mentent-Le Canard Réfractaire
• David Teurtrie, “Standoff over Ukraine: why this, why now?” - Le Monde diplomatique
• "Why Ukraine Matters" posted on Facebook - a comment -“Much of the data included in the viral "why Ukraine matters" post are true. Some of the items on the list had become outdated, but more recent numbers still showed that the country had a strong standing in various categories of reserves, production, and exports. However, we were unable to find figures to confirm a few of the claims, and a small number of them were flat-out false.