Saturday, February 26, 2022

The comedian president rising to the moment!

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a comedian who had no experience of politics when elected less than three years ago, has suddenly emerged as a convincing war leader.
He has rallied the nation with his addresses and video selfies and given voice to Ukrainian anger and defiance of Russian aggression.”
Appran Pinochio ! Sa nou appel leader !!!
Dan plas to rally tou morisyens pou défier zot- tou ban ki pé empés Ocean Indien vin enn "Zone de Paix"- to pé fer politik lor Chagos et pé zoor to ban kritik et ban journalis de “anti-patriote’. ! Dir to ban advisers à PMO alle appran avek Zelensky and his team lor communication !
To dépense Rs 40 million lor yacht de luxe pou étude scientific lor Blenheim Reef(sic) et to tap lestoma « Je suis fier d’avoir réussi cette première visite aux Chagos depuis l’indépendance » ...dépense Rs 40 million kan to dejà pé touille nou avek l'inflation- a direct consequence of your incompetent and irresponsible management of the economy ....pour le moment nu bizin mangé, social housing,drains, subsidies, pro-poor policies....
When the next boat-pas Blue de Nimes s’il vous plait, mangé pas bon…surtout les pâtes….- to AGALEGA and TROMELIN ?
Pas fer démagogie, aim to be of the calibre of this Guy, a comedian who…! Cent fois li mem !