Monday, February 28, 2022

A message of hope amid the dark times

The dark times :
“The Russian army’s attack on Ukraine is a flagrant violation of international law and the UN charter. ….. For years, though, Russia has highlighted its fear that NATO will set up camp on its borders, breaching non-expansion commitments the US made when the Soviet Union split apart . This broken promise was a major mistake on the West’s part, even a provocation. …..IT IS MOREOVER MORALLY UNACCEPTABLE, AS WELL AS COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, TO MAKE THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE, WHO ARE VULNERABLE AND WITHIN RUSSIA’S REACH, PAY THE PRICE FOR THE SUPERPOWERS DANGEROUS SCHEMES.
Like the US’s illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, which also occurred against a backdrop of misleading propaganda widely disseminated by the media, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has opened a particularly dangerous chapter in international relations. It will have negative impacts on politics and on the global economy. In the face of the UN’s paralysis, the world order is now more than ever characterised by threats, blackmail and armed aggression.” Serge Halimi of the Monde Diplomatique..
A more positive note ….a message of hope -We want no War!
Amid the ongoing crisis, instead of interpreting the events to suit one's beliefs and shooting at people on social media though he strongly believes on the priciple of territorial integrity, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor shared a picture on his official Twitter profile that gave out a message of hope amid the dark times. The Thiruvananthapuram MP shared a picture of a man and woman standing close to each other. The man has the flag of Ukraine wrapped around him while the woman has the flag of Russia.
“Poignant: A man draped in the Ukrainian flag embraces a woman wearing the Russian flag. Let us hope love, peace & co-existence triumph over war & conflict,” Tharoor captioned the post.
This image, however, is not a recent snap from Ukraine or Russia. The photograph was taken in 2019 during a concert in Warsaw by Belarusan rapper Max Korzh. It has once again gone viral after Russia invaded Ukraine.

May be an image of 9 people and text that says "Poignant: A man draped in the Ukrainian flag embraces a woman wearing the Russian flag. Let us hope love, peace & co-existence triumph over war & conflict."
Nalini Burn, Akhil Mishra and 11 others

Saturday, February 26, 2022

The comedian president rising to the moment!

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a comedian who had no experience of politics when elected less than three years ago, has suddenly emerged as a convincing war leader.
He has rallied the nation with his addresses and video selfies and given voice to Ukrainian anger and defiance of Russian aggression.”
Appran Pinochio ! Sa nou appel leader !!!
Dan plas to rally tou morisyens pou défier zot- tou ban ki pé empés Ocean Indien vin enn "Zone de Paix"- to pé fer politik lor Chagos et pé zoor to ban kritik et ban journalis de “anti-patriote’. ! Dir to ban advisers à PMO alle appran avek Zelensky and his team lor communication !
To dépense Rs 40 million lor yacht de luxe pou étude scientific lor Blenheim Reef(sic) et to tap lestoma « Je suis fier d’avoir réussi cette première visite aux Chagos depuis l’indépendance » ...dépense Rs 40 million kan to dejà pé touille nou avek l'inflation- a direct consequence of your incompetent and irresponsible management of the economy ....pour le moment nu bizin mangé, social housing,drains, subsidies, pro-poor policies....
When the next boat-pas Blue de Nimes s’il vous plait, mangé pas bon…surtout les pâtes….- to AGALEGA and TROMELIN ?
Pas fer démagogie, aim to be of the calibre of this Guy, a comedian who…! Cent fois li mem !

Thursday, February 24, 2022

We are neither pro US nor EU and not at all for the corrupt and megalomaniac Putin

( On Feb 9, 2022, Putin's super yacht abruptly left Germany for safer quarters amid sanction warnings over Russia-Ukraine tensions)
They are playing their bloody political and economic games and we are paying the consequences.
Added: In the new global context that saw the emergence of the nation-state in place of the multi-national dynastic empires or spheres of influence, US, EU and Russia are still clinging to or have problems in adjusting their imperialist ambitions…
It is not as simple as it is being presented by Chandan Jankee, our High Commissioiner in Russia.
Que pensent les Russes de cette menace de guerre et de cette hostilité -Chandan Jankee affirme que d'après les conversations qu'il a eues avec des citoyens et officiels russes, ce n'est, pour eux, qu'une agitation dc plus des Américains qui ne veulent pas que la Russie vende davantage de gaz aux Européens et devienne encore plus puissante….Les Américains voient aussi d'un mauvais oeil la montée de la Chine at de la Russie qui, en plus, sont alliés.
Partly true ; perhaps these Interesting readings may help to get to the bottom of some of the complexities of this Russian aggression.
• Russia's Lethal Identity Crisis by Carl Bildt - Project Syndicate
• The Other Russia ,Discontent Grows in the Hinterlands By Mikhail Dmitriev and Daniel Treisman, Foreign Affairs
• Bill Browder, one time largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia , the man behind the Magnitsky Act . Listen what he has to say on Putin-Bill Browder: Putin’s Foreign Enemy
• 5 Russian words that explain Vladimir Putin by Vijai Maheshwari -Politico Europe
• Ukraine : Les médias vous mentent-Le Canard Réfractaire
• David Teurtrie, “Standoff over Ukraine: why this, why now?” - Le Monde diplomatique
• "Why Ukraine Matters" posted on Facebook - a comment -“Much of the data included in the viral "why Ukraine matters" post are true. Some of the items on the list had become outdated, but more recent numbers still showed that the country had a strong standing in various categories of reserves, production, and exports. However, we were unable to find figures to confirm a few of the claims, and a small number of them were flat-out false.

Stop blaming Covid-19 for your reckless management !

With the Covid-19 pandemic, Mauritius had two "extremely difficult" years. "For the first time, we had a decrease of 15.5%. The economy has declined." This is what Pravind Jugnauth said on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. The Prime Minister (PM) spoke at the inauguration of an Administration Building of the Pamplemousses District Council in Calebasses ."In the face of the Covid-19 crisis, the government has done a lot. We were able to buy drugs as well as vaccines. I ask those who are elderly and vulnerable to get their booster dose given as soon as possible, "said the PM.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

A forced consensus: Spectacle over Substance !

A casualty of the Mohamed-Bhadain burlesque show on Radio Plus, that was followed by negative comments on social media, is “frank and open debates”. We have moved from one extreme to another.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Replying to Payadachy on debt and the economy !

Further to my rather low-level reply to Payadachy on his interview to Bus Mag, which was just an avant-goût, the maestro himself has decided to come forward to uncover some of the hidden truths on debt and the economy and correct some of the misinterpretations of Pada and his team.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

KC Ranzé of l’express « déraille » in his kronik “La peur du risque et le risque de la peur”

In the context of the reactions of internet users (sans retenue aucune (sic) ) on the untimely and avoidable death of our conscientious worker Ramjeet Gusto , KC Ranzé takes them to task for blaming Govt, guilty for having removed the cyclone warning before ensuring that venturing outside was without risk - "Tout doit-il vraiment être prescrit et légiféré par l’Etat ? Ou sommes-nous après tout , assez adultes pour assumer nos responsabilités? "

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

7.4 % YEAR-ON-YEAR INFLATION IN JANUARY 2022. (Unofficially it is much higher)

(Unofficially it is much higher)
We had been warning them !
Back in October 2020, we had commented that ”as the country plunges into recession with rising unemployment and a rapidly depreciating rupee fuelling inflationary pressures, and our exports of goods and services failing to pick up, the country stands the risk of diving into stagflation which will pose one of the biggest economic challenges for recovery. Indeed, with our elevated levels of budget deficit and Public Sector Debt (one of the worst in Sub-Saharan Africa) and the present irresponsible populist policies, Mauritius seems to be taking the road to stagflation. Getting out will be another herculean task.!!!”

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Kan zot pou arrett fané !

"The State failed in its duty !"
We honour ourselves when we show due respect, support and solidarity to people of such stature as our conscientious worker, Mr Ramjeet Costo ,who did not hesitate for a moment to leave his two children and his wife to go to work as soon as the cyclone warning was removed- li fin perdi lavi kan Ii ti pé al rod so lavi.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Payadachy, dazzled by the forecast growth of 6.6 %, downplays the crucial issues !

In his latest interview to Business Magazine, Payadachy exuberantly asserts that in the year of the "Tiger," “la confiance est là…2022 sera l’année de l’accélération de la reprise “. In Chinese mythology, the tiger was called upon by the Jade Emperor, the ruler of heaven, to exorcise the demons- the purging of evils.