Saturday, January 22, 2022

Zot foté, Zot fané, Zot rod éffas zot "écocide" ek re-ékrir listoir !

Profanation nou mémoir ; nou enkolerr !!!
We condemn this “act barbare contre la mémoire de la mobilisation citoyenne”, it’s our struggle, the fight of our citizens , our volunteers, led by ReA and other NGOs, collecting straw from fields and filling sacks to make barriers against the advancing oil-spill. Others made their own tubes with tights and hair to add to the effort, and some were cleaning up the affected beaches.
They created history ; our future historians will be scouring our history books to mark this definitive moment of the Wakashio oil-spill saga - a shared history and a shared struggle to save our eco-system that have fostered a unique kindred spirit of resolve, togetherness and kinship -a triumph over obstacles and difficulties with dreams and aspirations of a new shared destiny of change for the better-enn Nouvo Moris !
“On se souviendra qu’en août et septembre 2020, des dizaines de membres de Rezistans ek Alternativ ainsi que d’autres citoyens volontaires avaient élu domicile sur le Waterfront pour confectionner des bouées artisanales dans une tentative désespérée de contrôler la marée noire. C’est ce que commémore cette plaque.”
This horrible incident is etched in history for all posterity to know how an incompetent and irresponsible regime can harm our eco-system !
They are trying to obliterate from history their “ecocide “ , their incompetence; this government bears the responsibility of criminal negligence towards our eco-sytsem. Let us not forget that !