Tuesday, January 18, 2022


BREAKING THE LAW IS ILLEGAL WHETHER COMMITTED BY ORDINARY PEOPLE OR MINISTERS” says a trenchant and learned critic in his commentary, dated 17th January, on Zinfos Moris , goading us to keep things in perspective by looking beyond the swirl of current events and by stepping off the treadmill of events-driven comments and analysis-especially by our obnoxious journalists and pro-bono lawyers pouring petrol on the flames.
As this besieged regime continues to lose its grip on the economic and social situation of the country, it will persist in its manoeuvres - its counter offensives -to manipulate our fears and identity issues that tend to inflame passions and cloud out our reasoning.
The arrest of the street dancers of Roche Bois was a well thought out move and meticulously planned one, as a reaction to Jagat’s blunders and his cororico party-that should have been sanctioned. He should have resigned by now !
But do not underestimate them- their lot of Machiavellic advisers and partisans who have an eye for the divisive issues! Their sleeper agents burrowed deep among us are providing them with daily feedbacks. They have become experts at exploiting our deeply ingrained grievances and arousing the subliminal passions of our perforated society to stoke our fears and our basest inclinations by playing the communal and caste card with deft perfection.
See the reactions in the traditional press and on social media . It is going according to their scripts, they knew very well when and which can of worms to open ! This time again, as on the Palestine issue, we fell prey to their machinations, allowing the play of divisive politics to work its way and identity politics to take over .
We were caught so easily in the net that they have cast around us ; we allowed a tiny incident to loom large according to their plans; we allowed that small spark, which was not meant to light any fire whatsoever, to being misused by us, as they were expecting, to create such a fuss.
The problem is not with “them , a sinking regime” but with us. The current situation is a true reflection of how we can easily lose our rationality and reasoning abilities , when this irresponsible and incompetent regime unleashes their underground forces trying the same old gesticulations and the same old tricks of re-engineering the historical fissures that have often brought the country to the verge of strife and confrontation.
We are being faced by one of the most challenging situations the country has seen post-independence— the economy spiralling deeply into the red while our community is in ebullition trying to free itself from the shackles that have impeded its progress so far. In such exceptional circumstances, we have to stay vigilant ,-against factional interests and the forces of division and deception sent by our adversaries- to outmanoeuvre and stamp it out before it becomes the present regime’s behemoth.
This remonstration from our learned critic is worth noting
“I hope that the " si la police pa aret ministres la, moi oussi mo pou fer parey" mentality is a temporary aberration by people who should know better. Poire, Limon and the other dancers have certainly created a much better impression on me than those giving the impression that it is ok to behave like they did. The ones who will end up with a certificate of morality that shows law breaking will not be those who are giving the impression that they did well.”