Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Mr Gerald Lincoln “ “L’inflation ne doit pas devenir une obsession.”

Mr Lincoln is off-track on inflation as he was recently on our level of public debt.
Most of our economists believe that present level of inflation in the country is much higher than 6.8%. We have every reason to believe their figures rather than those of Statistics Mauritius (SM) . All our prime institutions have been debased ,including SM, which saw its Director replaced, probably because SM’s forecast of tourist arrivals did not match the highly optimistic ones of the Ministry of Finance.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


BREAKING THE LAW IS ILLEGAL WHETHER COMMITTED BY ORDINARY PEOPLE OR MINISTERS” says a trenchant and learned critic in his commentary, dated 17th January, on Zinfos Moris , goading us to keep things in perspective by looking beyond the swirl of current events and by stepping off the treadmill of events-driven comments and analysis-especially by our obnoxious journalists and pro-bono lawyers pouring petrol on the flames.

Interesting article in yesterday's l’express titled “Politique monétaire: La dépréciation de la roupie s’installe dans la durée”

Interesting article in yesterday's l’express titled “Politique monétaire: La dépréciation de la roupie s’installe dans la durée”, by L.Melidor, which raises some substantive issues that will need to be addressed before it is too late.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Why BZTD still stand !!!

Have a look at the “Judicial Commission of Inquiry Into State Capture Report Part I” by acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo , the first of three parts of a report into allegations of state capture, corruption and fraud in the Public Sector including organs of State in South Africa.
Basing myself on some of the similarities of state capture and corruption in our local context to the findings of the report , I allowed myself to tentatively point out that:(many will not appreciate it, finding it too extreme or partisan)

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Contradictions in the short interview of the CEO of MIC !

- Our rather-confused & uninspired CEO is now talking about profits whereas the ex-Chairman , our Marxist old boy ,was arguing that the MIC's mandate was to channel funds for building future capacity and that their primary focus was the Mauritius economy of care and love not profits. Which is which ?

Thursday, January 6, 2022

The chatwa Economists commenting on the Economy and the one-off BoM Contributions to Govt !

Have a look at the comments of some of the chatwas among the economist breed ! They see the economy on the mend, on its way to recovery, though inflation and high unemployment among the youth in the absence of a meaningful reskilling programme, remain areas of concern. For them we have come out of the malaise , the FATF grey list ; the financial sector growth will see the best it has been in the past few years and we will return to our trend level of growth soon .