Sunday, December 12, 2021

I’m ashamed of my health minister & my government !

There is that groundswell of anger building up, the outrage at the nepotism, the insider dealing, the state capture and the disgraceful forms of rodeurs-boutes’ advantage-taking; the rage at a veritable class of hangers on, cronies and other parasites and thieving lots that are draining the country ; frustration at the level of grave irresponsibility , gross incompetence and blatant amateurism of this regime and utter despair that we have slumped to such lows-the rock bottom- never reached before.
Cry my Beloved country ! Cry for change ! Cry out for a better leadership to get us out of this present mess !
We have
- a regime that has lost the trust of its people ;
-a regime that is using the present maelstrom to spread its lies and misinformation to gain the upper hand ;
-a regime that is growing more and more autocratic day by day trying to bring the media to heel, clamping down on dissent and public protests and tightening restrictions on online criticism;
-a regime that is plunging the country into a culture of abuse and impunity that have corroded all our major institutions and have not even spared our police force;
-a regime which is too busy warding off the public's spirited fight against the prevailing corruption, nepotism and cronyism and too entangled in weaving its own web of lies and deceit to be bothered to prepare us for successive waves of the pandemic.
A health minister who has failed us again and again in providing a fitting public health response and responsible leadership to contain the devastating impact of different variants and waves of Covid-19.
You recall the emergency purchases and the “Tender Rigging” - the coterie of cronies-the Mungroos, the brother-in-laws, the Spain connection of Pack and Blisters, “ban dan quinkailleri , dan construction, bizoutiers, ex-marsan ambulans osi, ki ti tap plein plein pu enn tender médikal !! Ki san là ti pé présid sa tender comité là ?” ICAC is still investigating !
And then , we have his evasive and ambiguous press briefings - concealing the truth from the population on the the number of positive Covid cases and deaths- and his long-winding and tedious interventions in the National Assembly in his characteristic strident and shrill tone ,very taxing to the ears ,especially the “Zis” and “Zat” and the farcical but somewhat ingenious attempt at a local version of pidgin english, via the idiosyncratic “representating”…..and the near panic situation- last minute plea for foreign assistance as the health system continued to struggle needing ventilators with compressors and senior resuscitators to support the ENT hospital team - which was one of the reasons that landed us on some countries' Covid red list....
And now, the latest case of insider dealing in the purchase of Molnupiravir from CPN Distributors (previously involved in “gardiennage at the Ministry of Health” and car renting) is becoming too overbearing for us, taxpayers, ...impacting on our dwindling trust in our public institutions and further weakening our already sapped confidence in how the public money is being spent.....
Before it is too late for our Health Ministry and its dedicated employees, the GUY MUST GO !
And this regime !