Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A quest for genuine secularism !

We cannot but agree with our Cardinal when he deplores the fact that " ...De plus, le coût de la vie monte en flèche pendant que la roupie dégringole , notre économie , déjà fragilisée doit composer avec un avenir incertain ....»

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Jugutpal, ever heard of ministerial responsibility ?

Kailesh Jugutpal maintains “ Je ne suis pas responsable …Un ministre ne signe pas de contrat”
Such a statement is not surprising coming from a Minister who acknowledges that " he cannot change prepared answers given to him by his civil servants"
Pas moi ça, zot ça !

Friday, December 17, 2021

No, Mr Governor, the Bank Of Mauritius should behave responsibly!

(Revised version, published in l'express of 27 Dec 2021)


In a statement to the press recently, the Governor affirmed that “The Central Bank(CB) does not currently require any capitalization and can conduct its monetary policy without any financial constraints…”


You recall that the exceptional Rs 60 billion of money creation by the Bank Of Mauritius (BOM) to finance a higher budget deficit -the monetary deficit financing as opposed to Quantitative Easing(QE) by many countries-was met with disapproval from the IMF-“The monetizing of deficits has undermined the ability of the BOM to keep inflation under control “ .

A Machiavellic Mind : The arrest of Bhadain

Well planned by the Machiavellic minds of Lakwizinn to divert the population’s attention from the unprecedented levels of corruption in the country.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Very hard-hitting interview of Dr Vinaye Ancharaz in today’s l’express (15th Dec)

We subscribe fully to the points raised, as partly summarised below:
1. Economic irresponsibility of this regime: « En réponse aux défis de la pandémie, le gouvernement est venu de l'avant avec une panoplie de mesures fiscales et monétaires. Il est clair, cependant, qu'une telle réponse a été limitée par un manque d'espace budgétaire déjà érodé ces derrières années par une mauvaise gestion des finances publiques et des emprunts irresponsables. »

Sunday, December 12, 2021

I’m ashamed of my health minister & my government !

There is that groundswell of anger building up, the outrage at the nepotism, the insider dealing, the state capture and the disgraceful forms of rodeurs-boutes’ advantage-taking; the rage at a veritable class of hangers on, cronies and other parasites and thieving lots that are draining the country ; frustration at the level of grave irresponsibility , gross incompetence and blatant amateurism of this regime and utter despair that we have slumped to such lows-the rock bottom- never reached before.
Cry my Beloved country ! Cry for change ! Cry out for a better leadership to get us out of this present mess !

Friday, December 10, 2021

Jackpot for the BOM’s Governor !

Rs 600,000 as Chairman of the Monetary Policy Committee(MPC)
This is not fake news....this is day light robbery