Friday, November 12, 2021

Why were we caught unprepared ? Why were we caught napping as the virus made a comeback ?

The responsibility lies with this regime that has ignored all caution and allowed people to become more complacent about the virus.
The responsibility for the devastating surge of the pandemic now is "first and foremost" to this government.
It is a self-inflicted national catastrophe.
The pandemic has spiralled out of control solely because of the irresponsibility and the “incompétence institutionelle" of this government- a govt that kept on lying on the real extent of Covid damage , under-reporting the numbers, be it the number of positive cases or deaths.
While we were undergoing pain, distress and agony in the past month, this government was busy fudging the numbers. The apathy of the government which remains in brazen denial is unforgivable. They were more bothered about concealing the truth or to bolster the false narrative that all is well in the country. Their mindset of control, obsession for publicity and propaganda and desperation for dominance and power as a priority destroyed our preparedness to fight the surge.
The government must answer why it did not put an exigency plan in place to accompany the opening of our borders, despite regular warnings about the risks of the superspreader Delta variant.
They should take responsibility for this mess- they are morally and politically accountable as to why the treatment and medical infrastructure was found wanting- our healthcare workers are stretched beyond all comprehension .
They failed in their preparedness and in implementing a fitting public health response and responsible leadership to contain this covid surge.
This is a moment when the country needs answers !