Thursday, November 25, 2021

Silencing the critiques: The IBA (Amendment) Bill !

The third wave of the pandemic continues to rage on; the peak is yet to be reached exposing the country's lack of preparedness, the inadequate healthcare infrastructure (as well as medical oxygen) and our misfortune of being ruled by a bunch of thugs and incompetents.
At the helm is a leader lacking vision and direction , who thinks that he is growing in stature , being artificially pumped by a pervasive Lakwizinn and conned by the confusing briefs/suggestions from the myriad of advisers, one more knowledgeable than the other, including, among others, our dear Arian and our dear Steve, DPM and turncoat by excellence, un fin connoisseur de ‘faire de la politique autrement”(sic)…..
The tragedy that we are living today has its source in their inability to govern and lead us through these trying moments.
The news media, the social networks, civil society, trade unions, political parties are all bringing their voices, in unison, to condemn this dysfunctional regime and their daily bungling, amateurism and incompetence in running the country- it cuts across all sectors of the economy -health, education, air transport, the port, tourism, finance, the vaccination programme-look at the recent cacophony at the vaccination centres!
We have reached the height of incompetence and corruption. We have been highlighting that for years now and people are now realising that at a time when the country is at war with a lethal third wave, this incompetent regime is busy battling not the virus but the impartial and non-partisan voices that are criticising them and pointing to what an orgy of mediocrity we have had to endure during these past years and which has now reached a tipping point.
They have lost all credibility. A glance at the newspaper headlines over the past few weeks offers a bleak portrait of collapse. It is not surprising that they are having recourse to authoritarianism and repression, sliding towards somehow darker and meaner ways of stifling criticism. Under the guise of protecting cybersecurity or guarding against ‘fake news’, they are introducing all kinds of restrictive legislations to shrink the space for civil society and pursue politically-motivated prosecutions of those media outlets that are critical of the government.
The freedom for any person, media, institution or organisation to air one’s view is the lifeline of any democratic institution and any attempt to stifle, suffocate or gag this right would sound a death knell to democracy and would help usher in autocracy or dictatorship.
We have a fight on our hands!
“Merely speaking about injustice and not stopping it , we encourage injustice. But the people who protest and fight against injustice create history. “