Saturday, November 27, 2021

Black Friday for our democracy !

The virus is all around the globe ; its large number of mutations, especially the latest one that they have named Omicron , may increase reinfection risk, given some still early assessments of its transmissibility, its ability to get around parts of the immune system and bypass some, but not all, of the protection from vaccines.(but it is not yet known whether it worsens symptoms).

The credibility and reputation of the central bank is at stake !

Yes, the politically appointed and inexperienced governor of the CB ,Mr Harvesh Kumar Seegolam, and his apprenticing boss, the Minister of Finance , our dear Pada, did it again ! The audited accounts of BOM is now confirming that the accelerated depreciation of the rupee was a deliberate choice.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

The latest Moody's reports: The outlook remains negative(baa2) !

The outlook remains negative, although the end of blacklisting is a positive development that decreases our external vulnerability.
Moodys remains concerned about the effectiveness of fiscal consolidation in stabilizing debt. The level of debt stabilization increased from 74% of GNP to 80% in a few months. And the recent PRB announcement will weigh heavily on debt.
It highlights our relatively high debt burden relative to peers; It is also concerned about the inability of monetary policy to fight inflation. Too much liquid injected as a result of the monetary financing of our deficit- An increase in interest rates, however unlikely, would be futile to hold back inflation.
Factors that could lead to a downgrade
A continued deterioration in debt metrics, weaker fiscal policy effectiveness, weakening monetary policy effectiveness as demonstrated by rising inflationary risks would also likely to result in a downgrade. An increase in domestic or external imbalances, as reflected in an increase in price and exchange rate volatility, accompanied by a deterioration in the country’s balance of payments position, could also lead to a downgrade.
The scheming of public debt figures continues - the consolidation adjustment which goes to Rs 16 billion, and the BoM which takes the place of Government to borrow in foreign currency.
More in Sushil’s forthcoming article “All Quiet on the External Front, until …." which concludes that
“Without a critical review of our monetary and fiscal policies, Moody’s might be led to downgrade the country’s sovereign credit rating, which could destabilize the financial sector. A lower rating that just clears investment grade status signals serious economic and financial risks ahead.”

Silencing the critiques: The IBA (Amendment) Bill !

The third wave of the pandemic continues to rage on; the peak is yet to be reached exposing the country's lack of preparedness, the inadequate healthcare infrastructure (as well as medical oxygen) and our misfortune of being ruled by a bunch of thugs and incompetents.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

More Emphasis On Saving Lives

Hats off to
> the Mouvement Citoyen AntiCovid of Rodrigues for their courageous stand of a 14 days quarantine on the opening of their borders and
> the ReA for recommending these urgent measures to be put in place within 3 months

Friday, November 12, 2021

Bank of Mauritius is failing to comply with BoM Act

Section 32(3) of the Bank of Mauritius Act prescribes that the Bank submit a copy of its audited accounts together with a report on its operations to the Minister of Finance not later than 4 months after the financial year end, i.e., by latest 31st October 2021. And the Minister shall at the earliest available opportunity lay a copy of these documents before the National Assembly. So far, this has not been done. The audited accounts of the Bank and its report on operations for the year ended June 21 is still awaited. The Bank should explain its non-compliance with the provisions of its legislation, at least as a mark of respect owed to the members of the National Assembly.

Why were we caught unprepared ? Why were we caught napping as the virus made a comeback ?

The responsibility lies with this regime that has ignored all caution and allowed people to become more complacent about the virus.
The responsibility for the devastating surge of the pandemic now is "first and foremost" to this government.
It is a self-inflicted national catastrophe.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The PRB award-a futile and onerous exercise

(Published in l'express of 2nd Nov 2021)


Why is the PRB award a futile and onerous exercise.? Let us examine some of the issues pertaining to the PRB at these three levels : a)  Compensation for improved service delivery?  b) PRB: An outdated institution! and c) Financing the PRB and the wage-price spiral