Wednesday, April 7, 2021

No excuses to this crowd of thugs and incompetents !

To a parliamentarian's posting that
“S'excuser dans le cadre des suspensions de mardi dernier au Parlement, equivaudrait a soutirer le viol permanent de la democratie.”
I had added that
‘Le viol de la démocracie” started with the deletion from Hansard -pou enn question légitime-du terme" persona non grata" ki fin dejá evoqué dan enn communiqué gouvernma.....Gouvernma ki bizin demande excuses ! Bizin alle la Cour Suprême ! Et maintenir pression lor gourvernma par manifestation divan parlman tous les mardis! Les 3 parlmentaires pou rentre dan parlman seulement si gouvernma demande excuses parski zot osé manipule nou Hansard kan zot envi.
A commentator ironised the whole issue with these comments :
Hannsard should be a full transcription of all the bullshits that are demonstrated again and again. Why not also shortening/censoring the versions on TV when one wants to review theses in Catch Up TV?
My reply :
Oh yes, it seems that u have some problems in finding your way among the constellation of bullshits that this regime of thugs and idiots have been effusing all around - the latest as reported by the Audit Office, is so suffocating that despite the efforts of camouflage and subterfuge by the thieving lots , they have failed in preventing the stench from reaching us …Believe me it really stinks ….
I understand your feeling …however hard you tried to avoid these, you must have stepped on one of these bullshits …..You are right, how can these find their way in our Hansard, especially the proclivities of our dear Soodhun which is now an open secret even in the closest of circles -the “persona non grata” bullshit…or the alleged racist bullshit that nearly blew off the roofs of the NHDC flats....
You are also right on Catch up TV showing/reviewing such bullshits … ......It is unacceptable to allow such stench wafting out of the corridors of power to reach us via the MBC TV or MT's catch up TV …it has to be contained , after all, what is the use of the govt’s lapdogs if they cannot decide what should be channelled to the public .
Dear friend, do not worry about the stench of their bullshits that have been piling up ; we will have to live with it for some time till we can convince people like you that it is difficult to bear it any longer and à la kärcher “nu ensam nu met un peu propre” and get rid of this crowd of thugs and incompetents.