Monday, June 29, 2020

Wake up my friend! Is it a question of perception or a question of cronies everywhere ?

In an interview to a local newspaper the Chairman of the Central Tender Board, Mr Raj Prayag, argues that “ Dommage, qu’il y ait une certaine perception d’opacité”. He goes on to quote different sections and articles of the Public Procurement Act-section 7, section 44, section 37,…and articles 45(10),36, 40, 43-45, in trying to show that we have one of the model procurement legislation in Mauritius for an efficient and effective public procurement and that it is in line with international procedures and best industry practices. 

Our legislation is modelled on that of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) which formulates model rules and laws that are modern, fair, and transparent. Moreover the World Bank regularly and systematically assesses our public market and procurement system using specially developed tools !! 
And the chairman is careful to add that “Au CPB, nous opérons dans un dynamisme de remise en question constante.” 
Is it so ? If people are having such a poor perception of the CTB, your culture of “constante remise en question” at the CTB will surely dictate that it is time that you "tuite " and hand it over to someone else who we hope can improve the perception of the public on the CTB. !!!

The main issue in Mauritius is that we have the best, up-to-date legislations, whether it’s at the CTB , in the offshore sector, money laundering and the combating of crime, the environment sector, you name it, but these do not lead to much because a new generation of cronies have being created who are looting and mismanaging nearly everything the state controls. The latest- have a look at how our recently-revoked-Chihuahua had stacked boards and state-run companies with cronies. 
With such cronies on board, what would you expect ? My foot, it is not a question of perception, it’s bloody plain corruption and state capture by politicians,their cronies, their friends , families and for their generation while “le con que je suis”, I am still believing that the “Commission of Inquiries” or ICAC will make a difference. 
The Board of the CEB, the ex-Directors, the politicians , the contractors , the agents, ...will all eventually go scot-free and they will continue to play mayhem with taxpayers's money and we will continue to have interviews in the media that will continue to fool us that we have the most modern legislations in the world .
While we know very well that, damn the so-called state-of-the art-legislation (which seem to be always loaded with special clauses/loopholes meant to be exploited by the cronies like the emergency clause in the case of the CEB), ultimately, it was the Chihuahua's crony at the IRP, our dear Christelle, who had the final say.
Wake up , my friend !!!