Monday, June 29, 2020

Wake up my friend! Is it a question of perception or a question of cronies everywhere ?

In an interview to a local newspaper the Chairman of the Central Tender Board, Mr Raj Prayag, argues that “ Dommage, qu’il y ait une certaine perception d’opacité”. He goes on to quote different sections and articles of the Public Procurement Act-section 7, section 44, section 37,…and articles 45(10),36, 40, 43-45, in trying to show that we have one of the model procurement legislation in Mauritius for an efficient and effective public procurement and that it is in line with international procedures and best industry practices. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


At the time of the announcement of the promise of increasing the old-age pension ( BRP) to Rs 13,500, we had taken the stand that it was a desperate act. It was a tactic worthy of the scorched earth policy- après moi , le déluge- a last-ditch attempt of the regime knowing that the odds seemed to be stacked against it. We had argued that “the generous old-age pension (BRP) increases in the past have led to pension spending pressures further accentuating the explosive path of the projected expenditure for the BRP and putting at risk both the long-term financial sustainability of the pension system and fiscal sustainability. This had been highlighted in the latest IMF Article IV report which recommended “a gradual fiscal consolidation beginning with the next budget for FY2019/20 to enhance fiscal credibility and to put public debt on a declining path.” But this regime's abdication of its responsibility and retreat from sound macro-economic management of the country ………. “

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tackling inefficiencies and corruption in SOEs: A structured nomination process

In the recent debate on the issue of good governance in State-Owned Entreprises (SOEs) bodies, there has been a lot of talks about systemic inefficiencies in these institutions. How do we correct these inefficiencies , especially the lack of accountability and transparency? One of the ways of ensuring effective corporate governance is by getting rid of our present system of appointment of cronies on boards of SOEs

Sunday, June 21, 2020

EU Blacklist- the main culprits: ICAC,FIU,the Police and the FSC à la "doctrine hégélienne" de Payadachy

At the sitting of Thursday 14 May 2020 of the National Assembly, Mr Payadachy, the Minister of Finance, was answering to the Leader of the Opposition
“ Est-ce que c’est un comportement patriotique envers le pays? Est-ce que c’est un comportement patriotique envers le pays que de venir faire semblant de dire déjà qu’on est sur une liste noire? Non, parce qu’on ne l’est pas encore. …”

He added “Si je reprenais la doctrine hégélienne, je vous dirai volontiers que – «l’évolution n’est pas une simple éclosion sans peine et sans lutte, mais le travail dur et forcé sur soi-même". 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Le PM not aware that GDP grew by 3.1% not 3.6% in 2019. !

On PM’s speech on the Budget 2020-21 at the National Assembly:
IF you get more and more institutions stuffed with incompetent loyalists, you not only end up being not "au kuran" about important things going on in the country but you also make a fool of yourself.
The 2019 growth rate:The PM in his intervention today, trying to ridicule the leader of the MMM, fell in the same trap that the "servient " Statistics Mauritius" was laying down to others in terms of its parsimony of figures in the latest National Accounts statistics.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Budget 2020-21: A new normal that risks derailing recovery

(Published in Weekly, Issue 404, 11-17 June 2020)
According the World Economic Outlook (WEO), the global economy is projected to contract sharply by -3% in 2020, and the growth of the emerging markets and developing economies to be - 1%, while on the basis of our own forecasts, our economy is projected to contract by - 11%. In a baseline scenario, which presumes the pandemic to disappear gradually in the second half of 2020 and containment efforts to be slowly unwound, the global economy is projected to grow at 5.8% in 2021 as economic activity normalises, helped by appropriate policy support.