They have gathered some chatwas to come to the rescue of Lady Macbeth, (the true PM of a MSM à la dérive) by trying to divert the case of disrespect shown to the Indian representative into an “India bashing" through what they say it is a "montage "…
Montage, vous dites, PM mem pé dir mo raykonet ki mo la voix dan ban Moustass Leaks.
See below some of the whole lot of comments against these chatwas of the Hindu House ( Hindu (sic))
The so-called "India bashing" turned into "Hindu House" bashing
Some of the comments from bloggers, as one people and one nation :
- Very sad as a woman you should be standing up to condemn woman bashing, for such disrespectful comments about another woman.
-B nou reconnaissant nou..madam jugnauth ki p denigre la veriT 2hor..kifr ou p enkoler??
-You should change the name "Hindu House" as it is going against principle of Hinduism " vasudhaivah kutum bakam"" the whole world is my family".Thanks God for Moustasse leaks for revealing the destruction of our ideology of "Ene sel lepep ene seul nation ", bowing our head in shame.
-Please - on behalf of the Hindu community- can I ask you to withdraw this video as you are insulting all of us. You have an issue with misier moustasse but you don’t seem to have an issue with the person in the video making these statements - why don’t you ask the person in the video to come clean / explain / justify - if she hasn’t made these comments why is she hiding? The only way to mend the relationship between India and Mauritius is for the person in this video to come clean - either prove her innocence or to apologise in public.
-Eta Chatween bousse to …. ki montage to p kozer, aret prend Morisiens Pou gopia
-Kisana rod saban gopia la met laba (à Hindu house )??
-Sa fam la represente hindou la? B bonne chance bane hindoues !
-Eta chtwa msm al boure lenquete lor kobi ki pena manier
-B kifer li pe exité kan li pe cozé comier ine paye toi pou dire sa ?
-Sa ban gopia la pa represent malbar sa, chato meme ban bachara\
-aret couyonn nou pou vote zot svp rann moi ene service
-Kisana rod saban gopia la met laba??
-Nek ban Chatwa pou dire montaze sa...nou pou BZTD...
-Madam ou pa honT!!!! Alor cki in dir lor bn enregistrement la pa veur dir nnier pu ou?!!
-Enfin bref ou pna self-respect mm, alor lais tomB. En tou le cas mn bien rie kn mn guet sa ti mise en scene la
-T tusel ki pa p acpeT sa
-She looks very tense and scared..
-Madam comier cash oune gagner
-Tone fini fer to l’enquête ki dir ki montage?eta al mange kk
- La verite la p faire zot du mal