It is altering the perceptions of undecided voters about this regime ….the projection of the PM, Pravind Jugnauth, as hardworking ,honest and trustworthy is being undermined…the way Lakwizinn had crafted its communications to ensure that it carries support, highlighting the so-called virtues of Pravind relative to Navin- is falling apart
“Vous me connaissez. J’ai toujours parlé calmement et sereinement, et je suis posé dans les actions que je prends. Vous savez pourquoi je suis comme cela ? Parce que ma conscience sera toujours claire. » Il a aussi avancé que « je connais la différence entre la vérité et le mensonge...
Alors, vous me connaissez, comment je travaille, comment je me comporte et vous avez vu la considération que j’ai pour tout le monde de toutes les communautés », a-t-il dit. Et d’ajouter que « l’unité nationale est bien importante pour moi. »
Moustass leaks has unmasked the multi-faced regime, the two-faced Jugnauth, making undecided voters realise that the big talks about hardwork, honesty and the development and advancement of the nation are just for the manipulation, for the gallery, for votes-getting . Behind the scene , Moustass leaks reveal that there is an unscrupulous , corrupt and mafiaseque regime having a diminished , unreliable and untrustworthy leader who has ,however, delegated all his powers to a Machiavellic Lakwizinn.
The impact of Moustass leaks :
* It has ripped away the curtain of Lakwizinn’s ready made public image of Jugnauth and his regime -the false public image of a well-oiled regime and his so-called hard work and concern for "l’unité nationale".
* It has destroyed the fabricated image of Pravind Jugnauth as a doer, of being an incorruptible leader and undermined his ability to convince voters of his sincerity .
* It has brought to light his hypocrisy and contradictions- Why has he not asked for the resignation of the Commissioner of Police who has offended all the religious people of this country and one particular faith? And if Moustass Leaks are all AI-generated, why a judicial enquiry on the death of Jacquelin Juliette ?
* It has shown that Jugnauth close, plotting collaborators (ban dimoun ki li frequenté and form part of Lakwizinn) are infect, interfering, nauseating and are the “petits empereurs” unworthy of a country that has been topping the Mo Ibrahim Index African governance report for years. (future inmates of Melrose prison)
* It has blown up the social media giving them a crucial means of shaping the true narrative, enabling them to share images and recordings ( police brutality for example ) of a decadent and undemocratic regime ruled by Lawizinn and cronies.