Monday, June 3, 2024

The “Constituency Clerk” Case

The outcry of Simla , a commoner " Que la vérité se sache parce que moi , je connais la vérité."
My comments:
Our exclusive self-satisfied elite, the nation’s arbiter of power, has jealously guarded and protected its privileges and interests by convincing us that our judiciary is still the ultimate rampart against opportunistic and despotic temptations while politics and the whole issue of social stratification have been creeping in insidiously through the backdoor of courtrooms to circumvent/corrupt judgements with such disconcerting ease.
Recall the ease with which the ex-Chairman and many others (including some top politicians) involved in the famous "caisse noire" affair at Air Mts slipped away ! And the MCB/NPF scandal where some of the main actors got off scot-free ! Une justice à deux vitesses!
How can the layman still trust our rule of law when the verdicts of our highest court of justice are not always the right template for building lasting freedom and justice leaving the indelible impression of a two-tier justice, one for the powerful and the princes of the day and other for the common mortals.
For how long will we continue with this remnant of a neo-colonial justice system, rigged to the advantage of the ruling elite which finds the status quo still quite lucrative?
La justice française: (Courtesy: Anonymous)
L'ex-Premier ministre François Fillon a été condamné en appel à quatre ans de prison, dont un an ferme, 375 000 euros d'amende et dix ans d'inéligibilité pour avoir créé un emploi fictif d'attachée parlementaire pour son épouse. La justice a prouvé qu'elle n'avait jamais exercé cette fonction et ne s'était jamais présentée à l'Assemblée législative.
Justice à la mauricienne:
Pour un emploi fictif similaire, engageant mme Kisnen comme Constituency Clerk, l'honorable Yogida Sawmynaden a été acquitté au bénéfice du doute, bien qu'elle n'ait jamais exercé cette fonction.
Despite everything , our quest for justice will continue !