Saturday, June 22, 2024

Rendez-vous au “mascarade du service public” !

A mon cher kollleg Bobo,
Mo ti fin enrégistré pou celébration Public Service Day à SVICC azordi, may mo pa pou capav allé, mo fin gayn enn ti problèm…mo finn signall Boss…..To capav ran moi enn ti servis, s’il teu plait !

Friday, June 21, 2024

The need to reform an archaic Public Sector !

In the context of the celebration of the Public Service Day today , I thought that it may be of interest to repost a previous article (a slightly modified version) on the reform of the our public sector especially when our politicians and servile trade unions will be carrying out their usual show ( “une véritable parodie de la Journée internationale de la Fonction publique” comme le dit G.S in his article “"La mascarade du service public”) highlighting the contribution of public service in the development process, acknowledging the work of public servants and trying to encourage young people and graduates to pursue careers in the public sector.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Not socialist but illusionist !

(posted in L'express June 2024)

 Some journalists and economists have taken the overwhelming task of shaping a new narrative for our Minister of Finance, rescuing him from being listed in our short economic history book as a failed finance minister and from being commonly vilified as the one and only “magician” chancellor of Exchequer, who has a knack for money illusion and the inimitable wizardry at transforming, with one touch of his wand, our budget deficits, debt and GDP figures into more acceptable ones.  They got it all wrong There is nothing socialist about the welfare measures; these are mere palliatives, short term measures , just perfect electoral formulas and perfect winning templates .

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Pada’s Budgets: the road map to more hardship!

Pada’s budgets never held out any vision of our future. Budget 2024-25, another one of his budgets that will not transform the economy into a fully-fledged resilient trillion economy. Pada’s budgets are not tailored to meet the demands of the 21st century, including sustainable growth. His budgets have not outlined a path to prosperity but to disaster and crisis.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The upcoming budget: Expectations of a Pada’s U-turn !

As the election looms, politics infiltrates everywhere; it seems to have succeeded in winning over some of the the main actors of our media coverage who have suddenly become widely flattering of our Pada with narratives that have a strong flavour of chatwaism.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The “Constituency Clerk” Case

The outcry of Simla , a commoner " Que la vérité se sache parce que moi , je connais la vérité."

Saturday, June 1, 2024

A trillion economy with a trillion of debt !

In his interview in today’s l’express, our Pada , referring to the 2024 IMF Article IV consultation report , comments that …..”Cet Article IV reconnaît clairement l'efficacité de la stratégie économique du gouvernement et salue les mesures de soutien mises en place depuis le Covid-19…” .