Friday, April 26, 2024

The Environment Bill - some damning points raised by Adi Teelock of PML

A Must Read - especially for our politicians - in today’s Hebdo (see below)

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Le faux débat sur les inondations !

That’s the problem when we leave it to the politicians intent on distorting the discussions to their advantage - these very ones who have started and encouraged the construction of smart cities, promoted the Real Estate Schemes, carried out the “bétonnage” of the island , selling Mts to the highest bidders, furthering the gentrification of our country. (The Real Estate Schemes (RES) was started by the MSM-MMM government and accelerated during the Mansoor-Sithanen years. The successive regimes did their utmost to advance the private sector’s interests by liberalising land to unlock massive potential for profits in real estate development for large land owners) .

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Les coffre-forts de nos dirigeants !

We have heard one “success” story - the coffre- fort of one ex-PM
What about the coffre-fort of Pinok?

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Successive Audit Reports confirm the lack of budgetary reforms !

(Published in l'express of the 15th April 2024)
Year in, year out , the same damning audit reports - Why is there no improvement in our Public Finance Management ?
Because of the lack of budgetary reforms …..I am not the only one who has been saying so, it is also the opinion of the same experts whom our Pada was referring to when he claimed that they were praising the regime for its management of the economy.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

«La laïcité c'est un principe de paix»

Very interesting interview of the actual Grand Maître du Grand Orient de France in today’s l’express and especially his comments on our “viv-ensam”…..” …….La République universelle qui est fondée sur la laïcité, c'est-à-dire la liberté absolue de conscience. La laïcité, c'est un principe de paix. Vous êtes libre de croire et de ne pas croire et de pratiquer votre culte ou pas si vous n'en avez pas dans le respect des uns et des autres.

Monday, April 8, 2024

The distorted focus of our news media ! Just "palabres et palabres" rather than....

Our news media has become a stage where actions of our out-of-tune politicians have become a series of dramas. It was too good a morsel for them to pass up . Look how they have been chewing it for the past four days …bringing drama to the news, turning the news articles into stories and episodes with a plot, actors in conflict and colourful details on what “Piti” said and what “Papa” did not deny….You should see the blaring headlines about Popol being “emmerdé” about the big pictures of “Papa” with some extra parliamentary political leader and the eye-catching analyses from our traditional over-exposed so-called political analysts.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Pada’s manipulation of GDP figures !

Our Pada is bragging that Mauritius is one of the few countries in the world to have improved its growth forecasts. “In 2023, the IMF had forecast growth of 5%, but we have achieved growth of 7%…"
But Pada should also be telling us that we are one of the few countries where published data from its Central Bank (BoM's BoP 2023) differs markedly from that of its Statistics Office .(SM's Table 11 of the NA March 2024).