Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Some FB comments : On shortcuts , priorities

Shortcuts, Priorities

Recent BoM Forex Interventions !!! (Rattan & Sushil)

Since last year, the foreign exchange market in Mauritius has been subject to significant exchange control restrictions, leading to the emergence of offshore forex dealings, and a weaker offshore rupee exchange rate. The rupee depreciated sizeably between Oct 22 and Mar 23, whereupon certain banks were taken to task on their exchange dealings and fined by the Bank of Mauritius (BoM).

The FCC Bill : a futile debate in Pinocchio’s world !

In his summing-up of the debates on the Financial Crime Commission(FCC) Bill, it seems to a non-legal commoner, that the Prime Minister has demolished each and every argument of the opposition and neutralised the issue of the exclusive right of the DPP to institute criminal proceedings. He replied tit for tat to the critics of the opposition. More than that, he attacked their credibility…”ban créveurs !”

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Pale Boule Fer 2023

Rezistans ek Alternativ has awarded three "prizes" for 2023 - the Pale Boule Fer 2023 - to personalities and institutions that have failed us over this year. The Pale Boule Fer is the opposite of an award; it’s a sanction.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

When Pinocchio hides behind parliamentary immunity !

We are ashamed of our PM, of the shrill theatrics of a cheap and dysfunctional leader !

Saturday, December 9, 2023

The irresponsibility of this Govt "jouant au Père Noel" !

It comes as no surprise from a regime that has a propensity for non-priority and populist expenditures, a regime that cannot think beyond its simplistic populist solutions to complex socioeconomic ills.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

“Failures in the waiting”- a failed education reform !

Some of the issues raised by the leader of the opposition on the high failure rates of the students of the Extended Stream for the National Certificate of Examinations (NCE) had been highlighted in more details some two years back, by Mr RAJENDRA SEWPERSADSING in an article in Le Mauricien titled “NCE and Extended Stream(EP) : “Failures in the waiting”.

A new economic model !

There have been three discussions this week on the need for a new economic model for Mauritius -in le Défi, in l’express, and on the Monday radio program- Ki Nouvo Moris- of Rising Ocean .

Sunday, December 3, 2023

“Building Bridges, Together for Humanity”

A vigil held outside UK’s Downing Street for ‘all those suffering’
Family members whose loved ones have been killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict gathered outside Downing Street on Sunday to hold a vigil "for all those suffering" because of the recent outbreak of fighting. Faith leaders, bereaved families and politicians of all parties all made speeches in the first mass event of its kind since the conflict began.