Saturday, April 29, 2023

Roches Noires Smart City : Le faux débat !

Money, corrupt Govt and bought-out journaluses are hijacking our nation's economic and environmental future. They are making their cases very shrewdly - a combination of half truths and deceit - and effectively.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Nou tous à Lamars 1 Mé á Quatre Bornes.

Rendez vous tou ban Zenn,, Senior, Fam-Zom, Lavil-Vilaz, Maniel-Intelektiel

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Moody’s show.

Under the leadership of MoFED, meetings were arranged between Moody’s financial analysts and our different economic operators. To have an idea about how these meetings went , this is what Kevin Ramkaloan, CEO of Business Mauritius has to say:

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Projet immobilier à Roches-Noires !
Ban collectifs MRU2025, Protégeons l'écosystème de Roches-Noires, Eco-Sud, Platform Moris Lanvironnman et Rezistans ek Altemativ ek ban écocitoyens et plusieurs activistes pé kontesté sa projet là.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Non, l’alliance PTR-MMM-PMSD n’est pas la seule solution pou sauver le pays !

Why ? Because

Socio-cultural/religious groups ki role ?

These are some of recent events and statements making the news:
-Treize ans de prison pour avoir violé sa cousine
-Poignardée par son compagnon à Bel-Air .
-Un oncle incestueux condamné à 15 mois de prison
-Il écope de neuf mois de prison pour avoir volé la carte bancaire de son père
-Saisi d’un colis de drogue de synthèse dans la forêt de Wooton
-Un enfant victime de « bullying »
-Un guichet automatique vandalisé
-Arrêté pour cambriolage chez un ACP

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

The Stag Party

The Stag Party
Enn PNQ ki fer di mal !
Li bégayer !
Minister Maneesh Gobin, were you present at the Stag Party, yes or no ?
….li bourré ….li pied bat dan lédos .
"Le silence de Gobin est en soi un aveu de culpabilité !

For a more balanced criticism !

In his recent interviews Father Jean Maurice Labour, Vicar General of the Catholic Church in Mauritius, has correctly identified the main ills of our society, this inefficient and degenerate regime and the pressing issues that have continuously been raised by bloggers and analysts- the drift towards increasingly corrupt, unaccountable and totalitarian forms of government. 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Homage to Serge Lebrasse.

He touched us, everyone around, one way or the other. We grew up with Serge Lebrasse.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Rupee going downhill !

You recall that last month after the Public-Private Joint Committee, our Pada was bragging about 2023 being the year of stability for the Mauritian Rupee . As yet this is not the case !

Saving Grand Bassin ?

To recover the lost ground with the Hindu community (they had suddenly disappeared in thin air when the community that they claim they represent was expecting them to come out strongly on the issue of the maja karo - mainly of caris de cerf and cochon marron drenched with a good glass of rich single-malt whisky- taking place in a ranch not far from the “sacred lake”) - les socio-culturels have managed to make their way back to the forefront again by demanding that Grand-Bassin be declared a spiritual sanctuary and that a buffer be created around Grand Bassin to protect it from “certain” activities.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Breaking News :Pada is still suffering from nominal illusion !

In his intervention at “la reunion plénière du groupe des superviseurs bancaires francophones” our Pada was all in raptures about the economy. “ L’économie mauricienne est aujourd’hui en pleine expansion....Et alors que de nombreux pays entrent ou craignent une récession, Maurice affiche une croissance du PIB ….……supérieure à 8%.....C’est dire si la reprise est là. ....