Thursday, February 25, 2021

A country going to the dogs ! Even the private sector is failing to deliver!

One by one, our institutions have being infected with toxic polarisation and sapped by the chums that are taking over these independent institutions. Our trust in this government and most of the institutions that frame our society, captured by the cronies for their own profits, are being eroded. Instead of well-functioning, trustworthy and independent institutions adhering to the rule of law and more of social justice, we see a prevalence of hollowed institutions and state capture; Now even the independence of the judiciary seems to be a matter of concern.
It is time to start worrying that we may be undermining the country’s hopes for future growth and development. But all is not lost - we are told- we can still recover quite quickly as we can bank on a vibrant and dynamic private sector that is still concerned about competence, professionalism, productivity, efficiency, flexibility of the industry and the formulation of new policies and choices of activities to be promoted for future competitiveness.
Is it so ?
Or is it the other way round ?
By squashing competition and relying on rent-seeking actitivites and satisfied with a more than resonable rate of return on the low hanging fruits, we have today a private sector -our corporates-that can no longer respond to the new challenges of an economy which needs to be shocked out of its longstanding complacency; a private sector which is more interested in reinforcing plutocratic private interests as opposed to enlightened national interest.
The public sector ineptitude, incompetence, inefficiency and lack of professionalism seem to have spilled out to the private sector. The criticism of state incompetence loses its pertinence when we see similar shear amateurishness and incompetence in the private sector. The recent incidents at the Domaine de Chazal are the latest example , See below