Saturday, February 27, 2021

What does “BZTD” mean?

For PJ it means , "Sorry les frustrès, I still have four years to go " -some of the frustrés added " and four more years "pou kokin" .
For the MMM, PMSD and RP, it means "NCR triyer et nu choizir ki nu pou bour dehors"

Dan Maraye nominated as Ombudsperson for Financial Services: a ceremonial post

This is a post created for the boys; it is merely ceremonial and it will not not create an improved environment for ensuring consumer protection. It does not go far enough in its thinking on financial regulation – split into financial business conduct regulation and prudential regulation – as it is now being practised, for example, in UK and Australia. We doubt whether it will present a better and stronger scope for redress . The Ombudsperson office has lesser powers than those provided by section 96(5) of the Banking Act.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

A country going to the dogs ! Even the private sector is failing to deliver!

One by one, our institutions have being infected with toxic polarisation and sapped by the chums that are taking over these independent institutions. Our trust in this government and most of the institutions that frame our society, captured by the cronies for their own profits, are being eroded. Instead of well-functioning, trustworthy and independent institutions adhering to the rule of law and more of social justice, we see a prevalence of hollowed institutions and state capture; Now even the independence of the judiciary seems to be a matter of concern.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Why are we still on the EU’s blacklist?

Published in l'express of 24 March 2021
In Feb 2020, FATF included Mauritius on its greylist of high-risk money laundering jurisdictions because of identified strategic deficiencies in its AML/CFT regime. As a consequence, EU also added Mauritius on its money laundering blacklist in May 2020, effective October 2020.

Comments on Mr Bajinder Sharma posting:"Mauritius: India’s Muse or Mate?[0

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Our religious leaders in the political arena !

I cannot but agree with our Cardinal when he deplores the fact that " sous des gouvenements successifs, il y a eu une tendance à nommer à certains postes des personnes pressenties pour leur aptitude à protéger des intérêts politiques partisans, plutót qu'à veillerà l'intérêt général. Ce type de pratique révèle combien la corruption, pratiquée au goutte-à-goutte, peut passer longtemps inaperçue, sans faire de bruit".

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Do we have an internally consistent economic plan to tackle the looming financial crisis ?

Fitch Ratings has affirmed the Mauritius Commercial Bank Limited's (MCB) long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'BBB-' with a negative outlook.

Monday, February 1, 2021

lls ont le culot….these demagogues with their polished accents.

Yes, these very people who never walked the talk, on the contrary they did the opposite when they were at the helm ; they are now talking big on transparency and effectiveness of our institutions and even accountability, which they now believe should be monitored and enforced systematically with sanctions for noncompliance.