Friday, September 18, 2020

Revoilà Ali Mansoor -the IMF/WB agent!

On prend les mêmes et on recommence , you will end up with more of the same kind of fiascos that we had experienced in the recent past !!!Don’t you recall the public outcry “The Guy must Go!!!” after years of inept management with its lot of heavy and disastrous consequences that we have been bearing for years even after the Guy was unceremoniously kicked out. IMF-WB standards must really be bottoming out as we did not get value for our money disbursed immoderately, if not princely, (wastefully ,it turned out) in foreign currency.
Who does not remember the hedging fiasco, the medpoint scandal, the series of unsolicited bids, the manipulation of the budget deficit and public debt figures, the Special Funds created outside the budget, the failure in the implementation of the Programme Based Budgeting, an empowerment progamme that was a mere palliative, falling capital spending to GDP ratios that had to be rescued by a concocted decongestion progamme with roads and roads that led to nowhere without any reduction in congestion costs, and the years of puttering growth, the absence of substantial reforms in an archaic rent-seeking and tax-centric economy.....!!!
In short, the Sithanen-Mansoor tandem were so carried away by the exuberance of the reform programme scripted by the multilateral agencies that they were not even aware and prepared for the reality that came knocking at their door.
Both of them had to taken off scene much before the mood of the nation had become hostile to the sequence of “échecs sur toute la ligne ” and partly to the uncontrolled inflation and the rise in income inequalities.
But we continue to bear the heavy legacy of the TINAwallahs who imposed upon us the tyranny of “no alternatives” (There Is No Alternative) and since then we have become numb, incapable to break the TINA's spell that prevents us from seeing that an economic system that doesn’t deliver for large parts of the population is a failed economic system. All the issues pertaining to encroachment on our land, our beaches, our coasts, our environment and the plundering of our natural resources and our Exclusive Economic Zone by an economic elite and its agent- the political elite-are testimonies of a failing economic system.
Le revoilà trying to fiddle with our economy once again to deliver more of the same !!!
One more on our list of incompetents that we have to "Fou li Deor"

Prakash Neerohoo, Harish Chundunsing and 7 others
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  • Someone mentioned Einstein. He once said that problems cannot be solved by thining within the same framework in which they were created. Mansoor and Sithanen, with their WB-inspired policies and policy reforms, have done little to boost the economy. An… 
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Prakash Neerohoo, Harish Chundunsing and 7 others
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