Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Socialising the corporates at taxpayers's expense

The Mauritius Investment Corporation (MIC), a subsidiary of the Bank of Mauritius, has committed its first billion rupees from its War Chest of Rs 80 billion. The first beneficiary is in the tourism industry, is Lux Island Resorts ltd. The financial envelope is Rs 1 billion through the issue of redeemable and convertible bonds having a nominal value of Rs 10 million with a maturity of nine years.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Chokra at the BOM keeps bluffing !
The Governor of the Central Bank claims that they have succeeded in raising Rs 56 billion out of the Rs 60 billion's contribution to the 2020/21 Government budget. It ’s a bluff. It’s a misrepresentation of facts . Our Chokra seems to have learned his lessons well- a regime that persists in lying to its own public.. Watch out for the forthcoming article of Sushil titled -“The Monetary Policy Muddle - Postscript”

Friday, September 25, 2020

Is this not a deathblow to our Global Bisiness Sector ?

India is introducing a new regime for taxation of off-shore funds choosing to shift their base from Singapore or Mauritius to International Financial Services Centre (IFSC), Gift City, Gandhinagar, Gujurat. Profits and business income earned by such funds from Gift City will be tax exempt.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Mauritianism, you say !!

Which Mauritianism, your version of it ? Look at the ways we are reacting to a private clip that should not have gone viral and to the untimely criticisms of the PM blaming "some" for raising their voices when the state grants them religious subsidies every year.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

The private video that went viral

It should not have gone viral; it’s done now ; some watched it and had a good laugh; some watched it and felt slighted and hurt; others watched and just ignored it; (many Mauritians of Indian origin also used to make fun of Indians especially on the phonetics of Indian English….Ask the many Mauritians who had studied in India - they just could not stop from making it a daily habit of criticising India and the “filthy” Indians …and mocking them in their harsh creole swear words…).

Friday, September 18, 2020

A reply: Yes, there is an alternative !

"Bringing the change that Mauritius needs"
"There comes a time in the life of a nation when it needs some spark, a vision, a yearning for change..... for change to happen. Now the younger entrants are rising everywhere, bringing with them the energy and the new ideas. A new generation is ready to take over, bringing with it fresh ideas and the vision for Mauritius.

Revoilà Ali Mansoor -the IMF/WB agent!

On prend les mêmes et on recommence , you will end up with more of the same kind of fiascos that we had experienced in the recent past !!!Don’t you recall the public outcry “The Guy must Go!!!” after years of inept management with its lot of heavy and disastrous consequences that we have been bearing for years even after the Guy was unceremoniously kicked out. IMF-WB standards must really be bottoming out as we did not get value for our money disbursed immoderately, if not princely, (wastefully ,it turned out) in foreign currency.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

The 'Bouze Fixe" or Grade F+ of our Health System

(Published in Weekly, Issue 418,17-23 Sep 2020)
The political elite does not give a damn about our concerns , our protests, on the need for practical solutions to our survival problems;ils rassemblent les mêmes et recommencent without the main actors, the main stakeholders, the grassroots...

Friday, September 11, 2020

Religion and Politics

Avek tou le respé dé nu ban (well-intentioned) chefs rélizié, moi mo kroire ki nu bizin gard Politik et Rélizion seyparé.
Sinon nu pas pu konsistan envers nu même. Ban reprézentans reliziés, zot reliziés, zot pa politisiens. Ban politisiens, paréill, zot peynan zot place dan ban fêtes et seyrémoni reliziés. (Kuman individus oui, may, pa kuman réprézentans lepep!)

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


The thousands and thousands of Mauritians who took to the streets of Port Louis chanting in unison “fou li déor”, emboldened by the success of the march, are now more determined than ever to get rid of this regime. Online petition demanding the resignation of Pravind Jugnauth has already exceeded 25,000 signatures. Confident now of their collective might, the citizen’s movement intends to continue building up the momentum and turning the heat on the government- in the courts, in the media, on the streets and at the international level -till its logical conclusion- the overthrow of the current government.