Saturday, February 1, 2020


In an interview to L”Express of the 1st Feb, the DG of our national TV informs us that il “veut créer une culture d’entreprise”. He goes further than that, he wants also « une façon de se comporter, de travailler, de traiter ses collègues… » Everything except a culture of independence that goes hand in hand with a creative and innovative corporate culture ; everything to reinforce its role of government lapdog more than watchdog.

Government interference has penetrated deep within the psyche of this institution, where political puppeteers like the DG, the Director of News(a turncoat), the board led by a PS known for his servility to PJ, not only regurgitates official government messages but packaged them better than the government itself ever could.
Obsessed with maintaining access to power, our imbecile TV keeps handing their megaphones to the powerful, the puppeteers and cronies. The few opposing voices representing the 63% who did not vote for the government and who manage to slip into the dialogue, are marginalized and silenced.
Sadly, the public is getting much trash; it deserves better. And the country also which would have benefited much from well-rounded debates and opinions about the pros and cons of government decisions and policies!!!
The DG’s goal is not to “Make MBC great again" but to ensure that it stays overbearingly and irritatingly servile to the masters of the day.