Friday, December 13, 2019

Our intellos on the Environment ?

(Facebook 13 Dec 2019)
Why is there a lack of commitment of our intellectuals to the environment. They always manage to stay vague about it. They acknowledge that Mauritius is at a crucial crossroads as regards its economic model and spatial planning. Are they demanding a rethink of the philosophy that has fuelled the development that the country has experienced in recent years. ? Are they questioning the present environment policies ?

That’s what they say :
“Quand il est question de survie, de l’état de la planète et de notre pays que nous laisserons en héritage aux générations futures, la vigilance est cruciale et la mobilisation de tous dans la durée est une nécessité absolue”  and 
“Ceci afin de faire de la génération montante le vecteur de changement dans un projet de société qui est fondée sur le produire, le consommer et le vivre autrement” and 
“Our natural capital is our greatest wealth, directly and indirectly, and environmental policy must be one of continuity.” 

Finally it’s  lot of lovely bla blas and a few tinkering at the edges but they do to go as far as calling for a rupture with our present economic model- a rupture that will mean a limit to the construction of hotels, the encroachment of our public beaches, a new Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) bill and an end to the Real Estate Schemes.