Friday, November 30, 2018

The BAI saga : Some distortions

(Published in MTimes of 30 Nov 2018)
No that the ex-boss of the BAI is back in the news in the Britam case, some people are distorting the facts to try to show that the closing down of the BAI was solely a vengeful act of destruction and that the BAI was a well-run concern facing some short-term liquidity issues without any whatsoever involvement in any so-called Ponzi schemes.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Rethinking development: what does the population really want?

(Published in MTimes of 23 November 2018)
In last week’s interview to Mauritius Times, Nikhil Treebhoohun, economist and former director of NPCC, raises an important question: what does the population really want? 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

BOM: A rather optimistic growth forecast?

Published in MTimes 16 11 2018
The Bank of Mauritius (BOM) seems to be the only one among the different agencies (IMF, Statistics Mauritius (SM), MCB group,Fitch Solutions Macro Research…) which is forecasting a 4% growth forecast for the Mauritian economy in 2018. The BOM usually aligns itself with SM’s latest macroeconomic forecasts and usually differs by more or less one percentage point to the latter‘s growth forecast. That’s quite reasonable. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Doing Business Indicators : Not the whole Story

Published in MTimes 09 Nov 2018
Mauritius moves up five places relative to its last ranking and joins the Top 20 among 190 countries according to the World Bank's Doing Business 2019 Report published on 31 October. Government jubilates about this good score being a testimony to Government’s efforts to build a robust and resilient economy.