Graduation to
High-Income Economy !!!
Mauritius, along with 14 other
developing nations, according to a World Bank study on 215 countries carried
out by research analyst Ehiwario Efeyini of the US Trust Bank of America Wealth
Management, has the potential to graduate to the elite club of high-income
economies. Indeed Mauritius, on the basis of its present model of development
and policies, can easily increase its wealth in the years ahead but it is also
likely that it may not make the transition and get trapped into the so-called
“middle income trap” as pointed out by Efeyini.
We are at the crossroads of some serious choices - either to continue with the present model of development as a shameless imitator of neoliberal policies tried elsewhere in given circumstances or we choose a different destiny, a path of serious discovery and inventiveness, by directing our energies to more imaginative forms of planning and policies that produce altogether different outcomes that are more sustainable and inclusive.
Continuing with the present model and policies will only magnify returns for the rich, operating in an environment of low taxation and short-termism, whereas our society will become more unequal, offering diminishing opportunities for the young and our graduates and a growing sense of unfairness. The policies that rely on the speculative and unproductive use of the our country’s strategic land assets by selling them to foreigners (which has accounted so far for around 80% of the FDI inflows during the past five years) will surely generate wealth and some periods of reasonable growth but it will neither be sustainable nor inclusive in the long run.
The improvement in the economic prospects of the global economy and Africa, which is developing into an important growth pole, could become the trampoline that Mauritius needs. But we cannot expect to benefit from that springboard if we do not have a clear economic vision with new policies and strategies, medium- to long-term, to meet the core challenges of sustained economic growth and improved social equity. We will have to articulate a vision for the future that embraces the aspirations of all Mauritians, especially the young, and design transparent policy frameworks for the management of our resources.
Promoting Competition in the Financial Sector
In some countries anyone can visit or write to their bank and politely ask for a refund for unfair bank charges. If the bank refuses to comply, the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) will investigate the matter for free. The FOS can help you if you are able to prove, for example, that you were hit with unfair charges or that you are in a cycle of excessive charges that keep putting you further and further in the red.
The NESC's role revisited
The National Economic and Social Council, (NESC), as a policy-review body, has an open-ended remit in all matters of national economic and social interest and, to some extent, it has proved to be a valuable tool for generating some ideas and discussions. But it was also designed to be « un exemple parmi d’autres de la volonté de ce gouvernement d’élargir davantage l’espace démocratique du pays et d’approfondir notre système et nos valeurs démocratiques. » The NESC was destined to evolve into an invaluable partner in the governance of the country by forging consensus through a permanent and sustained social dialogue for a greater participation of civil society in the democratic process with the aim of ensuring that social harmony keeps pace with economic development. It would thus help towards strengthening the bridge between the civil society and the National Assembly and further increase confidence in the democratic process.
South Africa and Brazil, for example, have
been languishing for decades within the middle-income range. Countries trapped
at middle-income level usually have declining investment ratios, slow
manufacturing growth, limited industrial and export diversification; and poor
labour market conditions. Our research analyst did suggest that though the 14
countries have the potential to make it to the high-income status, they must
however create the conditions for a more competitive, entrepreneurial and
productive economy.
We are at the crossroads of some serious choices - either to continue with the present model of development as a shameless imitator of neoliberal policies tried elsewhere in given circumstances or we choose a different destiny, a path of serious discovery and inventiveness, by directing our energies to more imaginative forms of planning and policies that produce altogether different outcomes that are more sustainable and inclusive.
Continuing with the present model and policies will only magnify returns for the rich, operating in an environment of low taxation and short-termism, whereas our society will become more unequal, offering diminishing opportunities for the young and our graduates and a growing sense of unfairness. The policies that rely on the speculative and unproductive use of the our country’s strategic land assets by selling them to foreigners (which has accounted so far for around 80% of the FDI inflows during the past five years) will surely generate wealth and some periods of reasonable growth but it will neither be sustainable nor inclusive in the long run.
We need a decisive rupture from the previous economic model and its policies.
If we want to realise our potential for sustainable and inclusive growth, we
will have to break past shibboleths and move away from the short-termism that
has focused on some quick measures and picked the low-hanging fruits. We will
have to focus on doing things differently and aim to be a game-changer. We need
a long-term horizon and vision. There is frustration over the current status
quo and people are restless for change. Problems like unemployment and poverty,
instead of being addressed on a sustainable basis, are being postponed by
short-term palliatives. All these methods and institutions have run their
course and proved to be ineffectual in creating jobs or a competitive economy.
The improvement in the economic prospects of the global economy and Africa, which is developing into an important growth pole, could become the trampoline that Mauritius needs. But we cannot expect to benefit from that springboard if we do not have a clear economic vision with new policies and strategies, medium- to long-term, to meet the core challenges of sustained economic growth and improved social equity. We will have to articulate a vision for the future that embraces the aspirations of all Mauritians, especially the young, and design transparent policy frameworks for the management of our resources.
These will include policies to, first of all, restore confidence amongst
our investors and induce them to embark in new emerging sectors and fresh
markets. We will have to enhance our competitiveness to sustainably move up the
value chain, diversify our exports and revamp our export promotion activities
with impetus on market development and brand building. There should also be
policies for bolstering research and innovation capacity, address skills
shortages in science and technology, ICT and other emerging sectors. There will
be need for greater investment in human development while addressing the
quality and relevance of education.
The energy mix will have to be reviewed to
enhance energy security, accelerate the growth of renewable energy and drive energy
conservation and efficiency. The institutional capacity to track and monitor
progress will need to be strengthened and supported by a revitalized and more
accountable and performing civil service and public sector institutions. The
list is long and there is a lot of catching up that the economy has to do to
before it gets going on its new and more dynamic growth path. Mauritius stands
on the cusp of great change. The more things change, the more they must not be
allowed to remain the same.
Promoting Competition in the Financial Sector
In some countries anyone can visit or write to their bank and politely ask for a refund for unfair bank charges. If the bank refuses to comply, the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) will investigate the matter for free. The FOS can help you if you are able to prove, for example, that you were hit with unfair charges or that you are in a cycle of excessive charges that keep putting you further and further in the red.
This may soon be a reality in Mauritius following
the Report of the
Task Force on
Unfair Terms and
Conditions in Banking Contracts. The report titled ‘Banking
Your Future: Towards a Fair & Inclusive Banking Sector’ contains 100
recommendations including the appointment of an Ombudsperson for the financial
services sector and the suggestion of empowering the Bank of Mauritius to
regulate interest rate spreads. (A word of caution on these legal wrangles:
Recently, the Office of Fair Trading of the UK
had to drop its case after a supreme court ruling said it did not have
the power to assess whether bank charges were fair.)
We however have strong reservations as regards to the latter recommendation as it may appear to be a retrograde measure of trying to move economic decisions from the marketplace to the offices of governors and bureaucrats. Are we going back to the days of price control and its damaging consequences?
We however have strong reservations as regards to the latter recommendation as it may appear to be a retrograde measure of trying to move economic decisions from the marketplace to the offices of governors and bureaucrats. Are we going back to the days of price control and its damaging consequences?
We believe that our consumers are best
served by the financial services sector when the regulatory framework allows
new financial institutions to emerge, grow and compete and offer better products and services without
any interference in their pricing policies. Indeed the promotion of effective
competition in the financial services sector will be in the interests of
consumers by incentivizing the service
providers into improving the value and quality of products. Competition in the
banking sector promotes efficiency and financial inclusion, keeps loan rates
and fees lower, without necessarily undermining financial stability.
Government can play an important role in
enhancing bank competition by designing policies that guarantee market
contestability through the healthy entry of well-capitalized institutions and
more substitute providers and by creating a market-friendly informational and
institutional framework.
Among the policies that can foster competition in the retail segment, for example, are the promotion of the portability of bank accounts, further improvement to positive credit information sharing, and expanding the payment system interconnection. All these allow customers to switch banks more easily and, therefore, force banks to compete more actively.
Competition should be one of the key objectives of financial sector reforms - a willingness to stoke competition in a sector that has long been dominated by a small number of heavyweights. Non-bank financial companies, investment banks and development finance institutions should be encouraged to emerge as alternative sources of funding by offering specialised banking products such as derivatives, advisory services, trade finance, etc.
Among the policies that can foster competition in the retail segment, for example, are the promotion of the portability of bank accounts, further improvement to positive credit information sharing, and expanding the payment system interconnection. All these allow customers to switch banks more easily and, therefore, force banks to compete more actively.
Competition should be one of the key objectives of financial sector reforms - a willingness to stoke competition in a sector that has long been dominated by a small number of heavyweights. Non-bank financial companies, investment banks and development finance institutions should be encouraged to emerge as alternative sources of funding by offering specialised banking products such as derivatives, advisory services, trade finance, etc.
The government could also support
alternative forms of financing, such as credit unions, crowdfunding and the
development of corporate bond and SME bond markets. Similarly, the presence of
a liquid stock market or other financial intermediaries that can provide
financing to firms is likely to foster competition in the banking sector,
because banks will have to compete to provide financial services to firms.
Moreover, the State has a role to play here by introducing regulations and
practices that foster the entry and operation of non-bank competition.
And where is the Competition Commission in
all these? We would have expected some substantive inputs from the Commission
especially on some more objective direct measures of bank pricing behaviour or
market power based on the “new empirical industrial organization” literature.
These could include the Panzar-Rosse H-statistic, the Lerner index, and the
so-called Boone indicator. There was an urgent need to have the Commission to
disseminate these indicators with clarity, credibility and authority. But it
chose to play truant.
* * *
The NESC's role revisited
The National Economic and Social Council, (NESC), as a policy-review body, has an open-ended remit in all matters of national economic and social interest and, to some extent, it has proved to be a valuable tool for generating some ideas and discussions. But it was also designed to be « un exemple parmi d’autres de la volonté de ce gouvernement d’élargir davantage l’espace démocratique du pays et d’approfondir notre système et nos valeurs démocratiques. » The NESC was destined to evolve into an invaluable partner in the governance of the country by forging consensus through a permanent and sustained social dialogue for a greater participation of civil society in the democratic process with the aim of ensuring that social harmony keeps pace with economic development. It would thus help towards strengthening the bridge between the civil society and the National Assembly and further increase confidence in the democratic process.
But unfortunately the NESC
has been functioning as a typical government department. It chose to limit its
remit to the publication of reports without any active involvement of concerned
stakeholders and communities. These reports, not properly backed by research
and analysis, usually end up in neat and well-ranged drawers.
Complex economic
decisions, programmes and policies have remained purely academic within the
exclusive preserve of official experts and technocrats peppered with some trade
union officials. It has not functioned as a genuine forum for civil society to
organize and give democratic expression to their views after serious
dissemination, study, debate, and dialogue. This has allowed our litany of
differences to impose its current gridlock such that most of the challenging
and topical issues have become a battleground for political partisanship . Such
partisanship becomes more acute when there is limited public involvement and
when people are not first informed about matters that affect them on a
need-to-know basis and then not given the opportunity to contribute .
The NESC has not been pro-active enough to
take these issues to the grassroots and give individuals and groups the
opportunity to participate in vital decisions and strengthen their capacity to
assess government programmes and reforms in relation to their needs, that of
their region and the country. Such efforts which tap into the local knowledge
and resources of a community, with the recognition that these resources can be
crucial to a successful implementation. On such issues like electoral reform,
education and health sector reforms, poverty alleviation, indiscipline and
violence in schools, the forging of a Mauritian identity and others, the NESC
was meant to be the institution par excellence to build up grassroots and
community involvement that is ongoing and throughout the year – not a ritualistic
process but done with a view to be informative; to isolate and clarify each
problem and each point of disagreement till we find that our differences become
resolvable, and by building upon these incremental resolutions, we can hope to
forge a consensus.
This is how we had visualized the ways and means to develop true
democracy, where everyone participates in the political process on a continuing
basis and where citizen participation is a cherished right. We are aware of the
practical difficulties of forging consensus in our multifaceted and
multi-cultural nation. Though developing consensus through dialogue is arduous,
even exasperating, promoting active involvement of citizens in crafting public
policies create healthy societies. And it ensures that we produce policies that
reflect the varied perspectives of our citizenry, enabling us to live together
peacefully and productively.