Thursday, August 31, 2000

An unfinished economic agenda

Around the mid of the last century of the last millennium, Mauritius was a new, frail and tottering nation but at the finale of the millennium, it was celebrating its successes. It has carved out special niches in some sectors Iike sugar, textile and tourism and has made it into the group of the high middle-income countries.


Wednesday, May 17, 2000

The Economy and Challenges

The Mauritius economy has been struggling over the last year.  What is the Government doing to encourage growth?

Wednesday, April 5, 2000

Presentation to American Regional Trade Fair: Singapore of Africa !!!


Mauritius: The Singapore of Africa


            It is a tall order to claim that Mauritius is already the Singapore of Africa.  Mauritius is synonymous with an African success story but not yet part of tiger-land.  It is more of an African cub-tiger "that still sleeps at four"; however, it is gradually acquiring the wherewithals to achieve its ambition to accede to the exclusive club of the East Asian tigers that include - Singapura, the lion city.

Tuesday, March 7, 2000

India-Mauritius - A Special Relationship

The Indo-Mauritian relationship is a special one. Both Culture and History have coalesced to forge singular bonds, assiduously knitted over millenniums, to unfold a unique blend of camaraderie, entente and trust.  These have been consolidated by regular exchanges between our two people and frequent visits of high dignitaries. One of the distinguished visitors even eulogised Mauritius as a "Great Little Country".