Monday, September 30, 2024

*Trouble in paradise: How Populism and Free Medication Sank Mauritius*

Just forwarded to me to be shared extensively- in our line of thought)
*Trouble in paradise: How Populism and Free Medication Sank Mauritius*
Jan 2029 Port Louis - Mauritius stands on the brink of total economic collapse, a shadow of its former self. Once hailed as an African success story, the island nation has spiraled into a fiscal abyss, echoing the recent turmoil of Sri Lanka. Debt has soared beyond repayment, unemployment is rampant, inflation has skyrocketed, and the social fabric has frayed under the weight of crime and corruption. People are sicker now than ever before, not just from disease but from a healthcare system poisoned by over-prescription and neglect. To understand how Mauritius reached this crisis point, we must rewind to the events of the *2024 general election*, the moment the country’s fate was sealed.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

lls sont fous ces politiciens!

Most of our economists have been warning them that “ it is the economy, stupid….be in the real world, not in an alternative and illusory universe where all choices are possible, without any adverse consequences, and with a free lunch always on the table”

Friday, September 27, 2024

The economist lives in the real world by Sushil (On the Launching of Eric Ng’s book)

Eric Ng Ping Cheun is among the rare Mauritians, a handful almost, who can express a fiercely independent mind on national economic issues, without any fear or favour. His latest publication, "Penser comme un économiste", framed in the guise of lessons, offers a sharp and clinical analysis of the Mauritian economy, highlighting key burning issues, and proposing several corrective policies to improve the country’s long-term prospects.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Mr Autrement !

I’m least bothered whether u were personally involved or not with the mama-piti deal!
Pa vin kouyonn nou avek ban explikasyons bidon kuma “ mo pa impliké” ou “ mo pa ti prézan dan conseil des ministres”
Kan ou fer politik autrement , ou retourn bail la kan ou pa fin servi li for what it was meant for ! Sey tout !

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Justifiant l’injustifiable !

A traver "Konversasion Solider" , ReA ti pé dir nou “Tous ensemble vers un front commun citoyen."
Ki arrivé ban Kamarads zot finn dévié !

Monday, September 9, 2024

L’Express fails in its attempt to give Pada a lifeline!

L’Express in its more pliable form and new-found penchant for our Pada needed to project a more acceptable and flattering idea of him beyond the disparaging and even contemptuous ones of a feckless Minister of Finance reflected through the prism of local economists and the less pliable media.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Ran Lepep So Later !

(Published in L'express Nov 2024)
Unquestioinably, like many others, we wish to express our solidarity and support to the protesters of the movement “Rann Nou later' who have been subjected to “ an extraordinary abuse of power”and violence by certain members of the police.