Friday, November 29, 2019

A Resurgence of Identity Politics

(Published in l'express of 29 Nov 2019)
Fifty years after independence, Mauritius demonstrates an undeniable success in forging a pluralistic nation, where multiple ethnic and religious groups co-existed peacefully and shared the fruits of economic progress. However, serious fissures do become apparent on occasion, and the last general elections have once more displayed sharpened communal and other socio-political cleavages. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Political Caricatures:National Assembly: Arvin Boolell, Leader of the Opposition; Reimbursement for BAI victims?;Alan Ganoo refutes allegations of electoral bribe'..

Verdict of the polls: Identity Politics reinforced !

If we are really wiser after the event, the denouement could not have been otherwise and we should have seen it coming. In recent years Mauritius has been witness to the assertion of different communities especially in some distinct well-defined regions populated mainly by one community. Displaying sharpened ethnic and communal and other socio-political cleavages, identity politics has become increasingly significant in the emerging political landscape.