Rattan Chand Khushiram, an avid contributor on economic issues, better known under the pen-name RChand. Headed the Economic Analysis and Research (EARS) unit of the ex-MEPD and was till recently, Director of the Research and Sustainability Division (ReSD) at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED)
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Bringing the change that Mauritius needs
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Political Caricatures: Political Financing & the BAI Group; The BOM’s Board: Rubber stamp?
Political Financing & the BAI Group
In his summing up to the debates on Budget 2019-20, Pravind Jugnauth raked through the so-called clean image of the MMM by pointing out its “géométries variables” on corruption. He mentioned the Rs 10 million obtained from Dawood Rawat’s BAI group for the 2014 general elections. He attacked an ex-MMM member, the late Bidianand Jhurry who was convicted for having favoured the hiring of five of his relatives in the Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund.