(Published in Mtimes , 01 March 2019)
There is a great concern about the incidence of violent behaviour among children and adolescents. This complex and troubling issue needs to be carefully understood by parents, teachers, and other adults.
Rattan Chand Khushiram, an avid contributor on economic issues, better known under the pen-name RChand. Headed the Economic Analysis and Research (EARS) unit of the ex-MEPD and was till recently, Director of the Research and Sustainability Division (ReSD) at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED)
The Confédération des travailleurs du secteur privé (CTSP) – Confederation of Private Sector Workers – is tuning itself for the forthcoming elections. It held a peaceful march in the streets of Rose Hill on Saturday 2nd Feb. Reaz Chuttoo and Jane Ragoo announced that the union would be issuing directives to private sector workers about which political bloc to support at the next elections.