Thursday, May 24, 2018

Slash the Fuel taxes !!!

Published in Le Mauricien, 01 June 2018
We currently paying Rs 52.00 per litre at the pump for gasoline – but roughly 55% of that price comes from different forms of taxes/contributions namely, subsidies, road, ecology and excise and value added taxes. Fuel taxes are usually levied to correct market failures and/or to mobilize fiscal resources.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Inculcating Values through Education

       Dear Sir , your article in LE MAURICIEN of Friday 11th May , titled “L’Education passe avant l’Instruction: Elle fonde l’Homme” did catch my attention as it provides welcome visibility to an important topic. However i felt that it should have concluded with a message of hope and on the things that we can do to tackle the present situation.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Public Sector Debt : Data Gaps

Published in Le Mauricien, 18 May 2018
Some years back during the heydays of the tandem Mansoor-Sithanen, when we were repeatedly highlighting the dubious accounting in the budgets, especially the Special Funds, the very people who were then in the opposition took up these arguments in their interventions and PQs at the National Assembly. At that time they seem to know better than the “Ministry of Finance, Moody’s, the World bank or the IMF

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Dipping Unemployment Rate !!!

Published in Le Mauricien, 5 May 2018
The best news for Government is that the unemployment rate is steadily falling from of 7.9%  in 2015 to 7.1% in 2017 - a big drop indeed.