Friday, December 26, 2014

Budget 2015 : Future orientations !!!

Published in L'Express, 26 December 2014
Today the economy stands at a crucial crossroads. As crucial as in 2006, when a new team of policy makers, known as the TINAs (There Is No Alternative)  set out to craft a new socio-economic model - a model based  mostly on the  reports of the Bretton Woods institutions, namely the IMF Report "Fiscal Adjustment Strategy and Measures to Protect Low-Income Households"and "Mauritius: From Preferences to Global Competitiveness" , an unpublished World Bank Report .

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Damning Audit Report :The Programme-Based Budgeting?

Published in Le Mauricien, 23 Dec 2014
The National Audit Office's Report shows again and again that wastage and unnecessary expenditures have continued unabated. It is unacceptable that at a moment where everyone was bearing the brunt of the continuing global and the consequent local slowdown, our Ministries and Departments and State-owned enterprises were profligate with taxpayers’ money .