Friday, June 24, 2011

Titbits :Changing the rules of the game; Parastatal reform; FDI takes a hit;PBB still struggling in “deliver­ology”; Repo rate increase: A cautionary approach .

Changing the rules of the game

If our friends, the TINAs, (There Is No Alternatives), intent on getting off the hook, in their right to reply, continuously change the rules of the game to prop up their statements, it tends to portray a deliberate attempt at obfuscating the debate because they are short of arguments.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Getting our priorities right

      The TINAs have cleverly deflected some awkward questions with an easy grace by simplifying the issue as one of poor management rather than a lack of funds. It portrays an incorrect perception on the issue which pertains more to the problem of getting their priorities right rather than that of funding or poor management. Indeed decision-making is a team-work with civil servants doing their part and policy-makers theirs. What if our TINAwallahs- the top civil servants- have failed in doing their part- that they have mismanaged the whole process of decision-making ? Let me explain.!