Rattan Chand Khushiram, an avid contributor on economic issues, better known under the pen-name RChand. Headed the Economic Analysis and Research (EARS) unit of the ex-MEPD and was till recently, Director of the Research and Sustainability Division (ReSD) at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED)
Thursday, December 4, 2003
Market Access or Institutions of conflict management...?
Thursday, November 13, 2003
E-BUSINESS : Our prospects
The prospects for accelerated growth and development offered by electronic commerce are leading most developing countries to turn their attention toward information and communication technologies (ICTs) and an assorted array of related policy areas. ICTs are now recognized by technologists and economists alike to be drivers of economic growth. The widespread deployment and utilization of ICTs by developing countries are expected to improve intellectual capital, workforce skills, productivity, market access and social structures, and enable them to become more competitive, both regionally and globally.